
AR Ranking By Manufacturer & Tier


I saw this posted in another forum and thought I would see what the SA community's feedback is on these rankings.

Especially SA's ranking.

What do you guys think?

I'll go against any and every top tier and have better accuracy on my lesser (according to the op post) tier even using the same ammo. Then again the mass amount i have are non-factories. I have a very low dollar 556 that holds 1.5moa (m855 ammo) or less with a pencil barrel after a fast 360 rounds. Using a $49 2x optic. Plus not sure who came up with those ratings as the top of the list are battle rifles. Government doesn't make good and informed decisions

What's the date when this chart was developed? Are some of those still in business? Armalite?

Changes based on my experience.

#1 - Anderson - up one (only based on my use of their receivers)
#2 - Windham down one (have done business but their product line is pretty basic)
#3 - FN & BCM up one (based on ownership of their products).
#4 - Brownells down one. (basic ARs but have done business with for decades on other stuff)
#5 - IWI, Midwest and S&W - down one (vanilla ARs)
#6 - PSA & Spikes - up one (solid ARs)
#7 - Need to add PWS & Sig-Sauer to the Quality tier (excellent platforms)

My .02
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