
Ayoob: What Is a Cross-Dominant Shooter?

That's funny. Go back in the thread and re-read all the posts and tell me which one of us "Disagreed" first. Frankly I have spent most of this thread unaware what it was exactly you were disagreeing with since you've been all over the place and intentionally vague.

What I know is this. I am cross eye dominant and I have abundant experience shooting all standard weapon platforms with and without red dots or other optics with both eyes open. So I am reasonably certain there is no "Revelation" you or Massad Ayoob is going to educate me on with regards to it.

And I'll tell you this. Back when I was first made aware of the eye dominance thing I read every single thing I could find on the internet about it over the course of a few weeks or a month and I never read anyone anywhere suggest the method I have outlined here many times. And that includes Mas. I came up with my solution on my own and have talked about it in depth here many times. And it was long after that I started seeing other people talking about it.
Fine. Disregard anything I have to say on this topic, then. If you found something that works for you, do that and do it in good health. Vaya con Dios, amigo.
Not sure exactly what you're trying to say here. Again, you might be right or might be wrong, depending. ;)
I'm saying I shot with both eyes open before I knew I was left eye dominant. And I lined the gun up in front of my right ( weak) eye. It's habit and subconscious. I also was a much less accurate shot than I am now. Lining my gun up in front of my dominant eye is something I trained myself to do.
Fine. Disregard anything I have to say on this topic, then. If you found something that works for you, do that and do it in good health. Vaya con Dios, amigo.
Frankly, and I am not trying to be snarky, as you are here, if you ( or anyone) say something that isn't correct I definitely will disregard it.

We're talking about cross eye dominance, not the multiple facets of marksmanship. The amount of data there is to learn about cross eye dominance as it pertains to shooting is miniscule compared to other facets of shooting. I simply pointed out that since I have cross eye dominance and I figured out how to completely mitigate it, I don't need any advice from anyone on the subject. No reason to get upset about it, it wasn't a dig.
No disrespect to the poster of this article but every time I see an article from Ayoob I throw up in my mouth, I have no interest in someone telling me how I should train and basically saying that if I don’t train his way I’m doing it wrong. Talk about arrogance…….
Enough said.
No disrespect to the poster of this article but every time I see an article from Ayoob I throw up in my mouth, I have no interest in someone telling me how I should train and basically saying that if I don’t train his way I’m doing it wrong. Talk about arrogance…….
Enough said.
With all due respect, old friend, I have spent many, many hours with The Man and I can tell you that NO ONE is more open to and receptive of new ideas than he is. He soaks up new ideas like a sponge, and has been doing so for over 50 years. He goes with what works--what has been proven to work in the real world. He has thoroughly earned my respect.
The whole point of a dot is to have both eyes open. And POI isn't any different regardless of what eye you line the gun up in front of. Assuming you don't have a bad eye and you zero'ed the optic the same way you shoot the gun.
Lot's of good comments and discussion here. I have said before that I am now 100% an optic nerd now, my weak eye does not matter anymore for handgun shooting. To make matters even better I am going to Green reticles like the Holosun SCS MOS I just put on my new G20... The Green makes good great! As I push, I am already looking at my target, then this beautiful Green halo is right in front of my face and Boom! I also see the Green better in any bright situation...
Lot's of good comments and discussion here. I have said before that I am now 100% an optic nerd now, my weak eye does not matter anymore for handgun shooting. To make matters even better I am going to Green reticles like the Holosun SCS MOS I just put on my new G20... The Green makes good great! As I push, I am already looking at my target, then this beautiful Green halo is right in front of my face and Boom! I also see the Green better in any bright situation...
I’m well used to the Holosun reticle but only recently put one on a handgun. All of mine are red but I got the green 507c. And I do like the green better like you.
I am sure I have shared this before but this issue I have. Plus I have Duanes syndrome in my right eye so it adds to the fun.

For pistols you can shoot with your dominant hand and make minor adjustments no big deal. From my experience though I see and shoot a red dot way better then irons. I am faster and more accurate so I prefer optics on my pistol.

For rifle/shotgun, if I knew this when I was young I would of just learned to shoot with my non-dominant hand. There are big benefits to this (builds dexterity and helps with being ambidextrous) and it’s easier to do when your young. Now I have got to a point where rifle in my non-dominant hand now it feels so foreign to me it’s just not something I want to put the time into. I simply shoot with my dominant eye closed. Shooting scopes and dots no issue, shooting ghost rings no issue, shoot open irons with small rear notches is a bit of a struggle and I am not as good as I am with the other sights (in fact I just changed sights the muzzleloader for this reason). I struggle to focus on the front post and line it up, again that might not be a dominance issue as mentioned before I also have Duane’s and my vision isn’t as good in my non-dominant eye.

I can tell you the winged and four legged creatures do not care if my eye is closed and I have out shot many two-eyed shooters in the blind.