
Bank Scammer Warning Please Read!

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I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this afternoon I received a call from my banks number that is stored in my phone and the caller stated he was with the fraud dept at my bank. This scammer new all my personal info including account number. When I asked what I purchased today the scammer has able to accurately state a few purchases throughout my day and how much was spent. This caller sent a verification code through the same text number my bank has sent text messages in the past (I have a record of past legit text). When I read back the code I got an email from my bank almost instantly that $5000 was transferred from my account. I immediately tried contacting my bank and was on hold for 40mins before someone was able to listen to me and they stated that an account freeze request was sent to the receiving bank and I then I was told by my real bank that the money is probably already spent and I will not know until noon tomorrow. I asked the bank rep about the fraud refund insurance and she stated that I would need to put in a claim and it will probably be 45 days before I hear anything regarding a refund.

The fraud dept also stated that these criminals are now using call & text spoof apps to appear legit plus they are able to get a lot of your personal info including account info before calling you.

I've never been scammed before and have always picked up on a scammer when they called in the past but this guy knew way too much.

I'm unsure if I'll recover my $5000 after the 45 days with my banks fraud insurance and as I write this I'm feeling sick to my stomach and I feel like a total idiot about the whole incident but I wanted to warn all of you about my bad experience.

If you ever get a call from anyone saying they are fraud detection from your financial institution hang up immediately and call your bank from a different phone to verify no matter what info they provide or number they use to call you from. ☹
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Has anyone else fallen for something like this and if so did you ever get a refund though fraud insurance?
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I had an incident 5 years ago where someone penetrated our bank accounts and drained everything. Fortunately, our bank refunded everything, but it took a few months to do so. The bank helped us setup fraud protections and increased security on all our accounts. I recommend everyone do so as well.
I had an incident 5 years ago where someone penetrated our bank accounts and drained everything. Fortunately, our bank refunded everything, but it took a few months to do so. The bank helped us setup fraud protections and increased security on all our accounts. I recommend everyone do so as well.
That's good to know!

I contacted my bank within minutes and was on hold forever before I got through.
That sux, and hopefully the bank will cover your loss.

Speaking of scams/fraud, recently I've had 3 calls. Two yesterday stating they were from "Medicare", "selling" supplemental coverage. One this morning from "AT&T". They all just "need some extra account info" to upgrade my accounts. If they're calling me from those companies they should already know all of that. Hip-hop music in the background, and a crying kid in the other one didn't help their credibility. I always tell them nice try........with a few other select words.
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Guys I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this afternoon I received a call from my banks number that is stored in my phone and the caller stated he was with the fraud dept at my bank. This scammer new all my personal info including account number. When I asked what I purchased today the scammer has able to accurately state a few purchases throughout my day and how much was spent. This caller sent a verification code through the same text number my bank has sent text messages in the past (I have a record of past legit text). When I read back the code I got an email from my bank almost instantly that $5000 was transferred from my account. I immediately tried contacting my bank and was on hold for 40mins before someone was able to listen to me and they stated that an account freeze request was sent to the receiving bank and I then I was told by my real bank that the money is probably already spent and I will not know until noon tomorrow. I asked the bank rep about the fraud refund insurance and she stated that I would need to put in a claim and it will probably be 45 days before I hear anything regarding a refund.

The fraud dept also stated that these criminals are now using call & text spoof apps to appear legit plus they are able to get a lot of your personal info including account info before calling you.

I've never been scammed before and have always picked up on a scammer when they called in the past but this guy knew way too much.

I'm unsure if I'll recover my $5000 after the 45 days with my banks fraud insurance and as I write this I'm feeling sick to my stomach and I feel like a total idiot about the whole incident but I wanted to warn all of you about my bad experience.

If you ever get a call from anyone saying they are fraud detection from your financial institution hang up immediately and call your bank from a different phone to verify no matter what info they provide or number they use to call you from. ☹
Great Piece Scott - Thats why i have a card i can LOCK& UNLOCK -before and after a purchase - chase card -it is scary stuff
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