
Bank Scammer Warning Please Read!

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What bank are you with? I normally get a potential fraud call that is a robo dialer first and then I have to authenticate and talk to a real person.

My best guess is that you were on hold so long because it happened to more than just you but they haven't put 2 and 2 together yet.
That’s horrible, I know there have been several articles out about leaving your Bluetooth connection on while out in public, that people can get “sensitive” information. 45 days to get a refund or 45 days to investigate the situation? Did the “guy” give you a name, not that it matters and was the number the exact number that you have stored or another number from the bank as banks will have different numbers. I ask because you said you had a number stored and it popped up but if you have called ID and your bank popped up but was a different number???
What bank are you with? I normally get a potential fraud call that is a robo dialer first and then I have to authenticate and talk to a real person.

My best guess is that you were on hold so long because it happened to more than just you but they haven't put 2 and 2 together yet.

I am thinking the same thing about the hold time.

My bank I got scammed from is Santander.
That’s horrible, I know there have been several articles out about leaving your Bluetooth connection on while out in public, that people can get “sensitive” information. 45 days to get a refund or 45 days to investigate the situation? Did the “guy” give you a name, not that it matters and was the number the exact number that you have stored or another number from the bank as banks will have different numbers. I ask because you said you had a number stored and it popped up but if you have called ID and your bank popped up but was a different number???
Same number stored and on the back of the card.
Guys I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this afternoon I received a call from my banks number that is stored in my phone and the caller stated he was with the fraud dept at my bank. This scammer new all my personal info including account number. When I asked what I purchased today the scammer has able to accurately state a few purchases throughout my day and how much was spent. This caller sent a verification code through the same text number my bank has sent text messages in the past (I have a record of past legit text). When I read back the code I got an email from my bank almost instantly that $5000 was transferred from my account. I immediately tried contacting my bank and was on hold for 40mins before someone was able to listen to me and they stated that an account freeze request was sent to the receiving bank and I then I was told by my real bank that the money is probably already spent and I will not know until noon tomorrow. I asked the bank rep about the fraud refund insurance and she stated that I would need to put in a claim and it will probably be 45 days before I hear anything regarding a refund.

The fraud dept also stated that these criminals are now using call & text spoof apps to appear legit plus they are able to get a lot of your personal info including account info before calling you.

I've never been scammed before and have always picked up on a scammer when they called in the past but this guy knew way too much.

I'm unsure if I'll recover my $5000 after the 45 days with my banks fraud insurance and as I write this I'm feeling sick to my stomach and I feel like a total idiot about the whole incident but I wanted to warn all of you about my bad experience.

If you ever get a call from anyone saying they are fraud detection from your financial institution hang up immediately and call your bank from a different phone to verify no matter what info they provide or number they use to call you from. ☹
This sounds a lot the the SIM card scam, they steal your phones SIM card. Put it in a phone they have, and call, or say they forgot the password. When the place sends the 2FA text, it goes to their phone & they reset the password getting into your account. I’m sorry to hear this 10mm, I was almost taken in when a person with an Indian accent called and knew my age, birthdate, last four SS, and that I’m going into medical. When I confirmed this I was transferred to some English dude that knew the same info and wanted to help set up Medicare. I told him I’d do it myself and hung up. I’m now getting about 10 calls a day with ids like ECHOICEMED OR DSENIORCHOICE, all with different numbers as I continue to block them. I normally don’t answer these calls but was awaiting a call from my health insurance co. & the Id was EMEDBENEFIT, and I thought it was them. 😡
This is SIM card fraud and how they can get your account info with your SIM card. I should have noted that it’s not your actual SIM card, but they impersonate you with your carrier and say they lost the phone and please set up your number on the new SIM card. They need to know your phone number. 10mmLife, I’d call your carrier and see if this happened, of course after the swap your phone may not work If the carrier disables it on your phone.

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This sounds a lot the the SIM card scam, they steal your phones SIM card. Put it in a phone they have, and call, or say they forgot the password. When the place sends the 2FA text, it goes to their phone & they reset the password getting into your account. I’m sorry to hear this 10mm, I was almost taken in when a person with an Indian accent called and knew my age, birthdate, last four SS, and that I’m going into medical. When I confirmed this I was transferred to some English dude that knew the same info and wanted to help set up Medicare. I told him I’d do it myself and hung up. I’m now getting about 10 calls a day with ids like ECHOICEMED OR DSENIORCHOICE, all with different numbers as I continue to block them. I normally don’t answer these calls but was awaiting a call from my health insurance co. & the Id was EMEDBENEFIT, and I thought it was them. 😡
I've never fell for a scam before so this stings even harder!

I guess I'll need to put the new gun purchases on hold for a little bit. ☹️
I've never fell for a scam before so this stings even harder!

I guess I'll need to put the new gun purchases on hold for a little bit. ☹
That’s why I always use credit cards and never debit. You’re only responsible for $50 if card is used fraudulently, but whole amount if debit is used. Sometimes bank will give it back if it wasn’t your fault due to negligence On your part
I always do my online banking on my desktop computer at home and if I was forced to do so on a mobile device on a public WiFi, I would definitely have a VPN installed and use it so no one could see the encrypted transactions Fortunately, I have always been able to do them at home and only use my phone/tablet to look at info in the banking/credit card apps.
I've never fell for a scam before so this stings even harder!

I guess I'll need to put the new gun purchases on hold for a little bit. ☹
These guys are getting really good at these scams. I recently got an email from my bank saying I needed to log in to account or it would be frozen. Of course they provided the link. Well I logged in off by browser instead and no info was pending. I sent a message through the bank app portal warning of the phishing attempt and other customers should be warned. The guy sends back, you should never log in through email (which I didn’t), and that they won’t ask for account info in an email. Oh well, I tried.
I always do my online banking on my desktop computer at home and if I was forced to do so on a mobile device on a public WiFi, I would definitely have a VPN installed and use it so no one could see the encrypted transactions Fortunately, I have always been able to do them at home and only use my phone/tablet to look at info in the banking/credit card apps.
I'm wondering if me using public WiFi compromised my security today
Wow. That’s definitely the most sophisticated scam I’ve heard of.

Thank you for the detail. That’s scary.
Way too convincing!

I watch videos all the time on YouTube of this guy Malcom Merlyn who gets into scammers computers and shuts them down. I've seen all types of attempted scams on that channel. And now for me to fall for one is ridiculous! The bank noted that the guy had access to my account name which I find really strange.
I'm convinced there's a breech on my banks end.
I'm wondering if me using public WiFi compromised my security today
Most definitely could, for the sim fraud they could easily get you phone number and name if you used public WiFi. You should purchase a good VPN from the App Store. I use Bitdefender Total Security for my computers and mobile devices. I didn’t purchase their VPN but their Mobil app gives you a free one you can use for like 200 mb of data per day. You need to connect & then do whatever on the public WiFi , then when done disconnect the VPN. I always forget & it then maxes out for the day. My email Id & password was stolen this way before I used a VPN, and they used it to send out spam emails. I should actually use a VPN on my computers as well.
We don't bank by phone. Our bank has fraud watch/alert system, and both my card and the wife's cards have been compromised a couple of times. The bank automatically suspends our bank-issued card. Whenever we go out of state on vacation, we would stop by our bank and let them know the dates we would be gone, the various state(s) we would be going through/in, and which cards we would be using. Gives them a heads-up that it is us, and not still here at home.
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