
Best gun oil?

Over the many years I have fooled with firearms I have used everything from 3 in 1 oil to the latest whizbang synthetic. They all worked although in the 3 in 1 days I preferred the Good polarized oil oil from Hoppe's or that came in the cleaning kits of the day. Later I used Breakfree CLP and liked it. I am currently using a small bottle of oil I got from Ed Brown.
I’ve seen this recommended in other forums. I have my suspicions
I use it all the time on most of my guns. Works great. Used it for years.

A while back, someone did a chemical analysis of a lot of gun oils…first thing they learned? They’re all nearly identical. Second thing—there was a Big Name competitive shooter that was hucking lube with their name on it…and many people touted it as the best thing ever.

It was nothing but Mobil 1 in a smaller bottle for 5x the price.
I could once again list the stuff I use, but there isn't much point. Like Simon and Hans and others have said, it's all largely the same thing. I do disagree with Simon about never cleaning it though. Although that might go a little ways towards mending the rift between him and the rest of the cretins after his traitorous activities the last few days.

I'll spell it out for you simps. If you don't clean your AR you are a cretinous monster.
Well there IS a “worst” answer-stay the HE double hockey sticks AWAY from “Frog Lube” and similar peachy keen environmentally friendly crap. #1 Son used that crap on a couple of his firearms -M1 Garand, old Browning A5 humpback, and a 1911 Colt. All had ran as reliably as a stone axe for decades. They were lubed with wonder stuff and stored for three months. He literally had to kick the bolt on the Garand and the others were seized up as well. We stripped them down and found a very heavy and extremely tacky “varnish” on everything😳. Reminded me of cosmoline. Seems the wonder juice evaporates and leaves this gunk behind🙄. Be VERY careful of “wonderlubes”. Plain old oil will work just fine-all the time👍
I like to use Wilson Combat grease on my BCG rather than the light oil. And it goes without saying that a guy who goes and puts 100 rounds through his AR once a month is going to need a lot less maintenance than a guy who actually takes the thing out and shoots it. Especially if it's something you plan to use in a defensive role.
Not being a wise ass here (really)… what weight/grade of mobil 1? 10w-30? Synthetic? 0w-30?
I’m curious.

On a now defunct gun Forum , we once had a couple of Chemical engineers good naturedly discuss this , using the unabridged specifications for the COMPLETE Mobil 1 product line . Debating All the fine print specs . It came down to a particular product number for piston airplanes vs particular product number for air-cooled motorcycles .

Myself, I'd steer you to an oil cross rated for both big diesel engines ( think Cummins & CAT ) and for gas engines , on the basis of best Soot Suspension. Specifically the Mobil 1 competitor , Rotella T 15W-40 .

OTOH , the best AR Master Armorer I know uses " whatever Mobil 1 I grab from the shelf at Wal Mart " .
not only that...but while hunting, the predators will sniff thier way to him and eat him..!!!!!!
I don’t know why but these new Saints seem to attract bears!

I could once again list the stuff I use, but there isn't much point. Like Simon and Hans and others have said, it's all largely the same thing. I do disagree with Simon about never cleaning it though. Although that might go a little ways towards mending the rift between him and the rest of the cretins after his traitorous activities the last few days.

I'll spell it out for you simps. If you don't clean your AR you are a cretinous monster.
I’ve made clear that we Contrarians really don’t care what the Cretins think. Or maybe we do. But just the ones we like, not those other guys. They know who they are.
