
Best Hellcat Ammo?

Is a very nice collection.....except for that.....that.....should I say it.......Kimber....I just threw up in my mouth now........šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
I'm not familiar with your aversion to Kimber Anni, but I'm sure you have justifiable reasons. This is the only Kimber I own, it got good reviews before I purchased it, and it's not give me any problems while I've had it. I can't speak about other models though.
I'm not familiar with your aversion to Kimber Anni, but I'm sure you have justifiable reasons. This is the only Kimber I own, it got good reviews before I purchased it, and it's not give me any problems while I've had it. I can't speak about other models though.

I think a lot of people dislike Kimber because if their reputation 20 or so years ago...their lack of customer service being at the forefront of reasons.

The thing is, Kimber has done a complete 180 on that front; I know a couple of people who have had issues with Kimbers, which got resolved immediately, and to their satisfaction.

The other reason people dislike them is the Swartz safety, which I understand...but itā€™s not the end of the world, either. I think I prefer it to a Series 80 style, myself.

Personally, Iā€™ve had a couple of Kimbers, and have one of their .22 conversions on a Norinco frame that I shoot often; Iā€™ve never had a bit of trouble with either.
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I think a lot of people dislike Kimber because if their reputation 20 or so years ago...their lack of customer service being at the forefront of reasons.

The thing is, Kimber has done a complete 180 on that front; I know a couple of people who have had issues with Kimbers, which got resolved immediately, and to their satisfaction.

The other reason people dislike them is the Swartz safety, which I understand...but itā€™s not the end of the world, either. I think I prefer it to a Series 80 style, myself.

Personally, Iā€™ve had a couple of Kimbers, and have one of their .22 conversions on a Norinco frame that I shoot often; Iā€™ve never had a bit ofThe other
Thanks for the information Hans, I wasn't aware. I bought my Kimber probably around 2013 or so and have never contacted their Customer Service since I've had no problems yet, so I can't speak whether it's good or bad. None of my 1911's would be my preference as a carry weapon as I believe them to be a bit heavy in that regard to my tastes.
I'm not familiar with your aversion to Kimber Anni, but I'm sure you have justifiable reasons. This is the only Kimber I own, it got good reviews before I purchased it, and it's not give me any problems while I've had it. I can't speak about other models though.
Kimberā€™s customer support is by far the worst in the firearm industry, my Kimber Micro 9 I had 2 years ago, the hammer chipped where the slide makes contact with it during recoil, the guide rod also bent, called them up, sent them pics of my issue, they told me the hammer was normal, which it isnā€™t, and it was my fault the guide rod bent. Traded that gun off next day, so basically they got out if having to fix it with there stupid damn excuses.
I think a lot of people dislike Kimber because if their reputation 20 or so years ago...their lack of customer service being at the forefront of reasons.

The thing is, Kimber has done a complete 180 on that front; I know a couple of people who have had issues with Kimbers, which got resolved immediately, and to their satisfaction.

The other reason people dislike them is the Swartz safety, which I understand...but itā€™s not the end of the world, either. I think I prefer it to a Series 80 style, myself.

Personally, Iā€™ve had a couple of Kimbers, and have one of their .22 conversions on a Norinco frame that I shoot often; Iā€™ve never had a bit of trouble with either.
The Kimber I owned was a good shooting pistol very accurate never had a problem with it so I never had to deal with their customer service . Today my Son owns that Kimber Pistol. The 1911 .45 Government is preferred EDC when he is not carrying one of his Sig Pistols. Customer service makes or breaks a company . That's one reason I like Springfield Armory they have a first-rate customer service and they have outstanding firearms.
I had to get readers at 58 I got you by 20 years.
LOL, I've worn glasses, now contacts, since I was about 7 years old but you'd think they'd even off after a while..they just keep degrading. I can remember a day when stock sights on a handgun were just fine for me to use, now, got to have fiber optics or some type of "brighter" type sight put on anything I buy...lol
LOL, I've worn glasses, now contacts, since I was about 7 years old but you'd think they'd even off after a while..they just keep degrading. I can remember a day when stock sights on a handgun were just fine for me to use, now, got to have fiber optics or some type of "brighter" type sight put on anything I buy...lol
I feel the same way I like the Tru-Glow TFX I wish the Springfield Armory would add them to their pistols as standard.
I feel the same way I like the Tru-Glow TFX I wish the Springfield Armory would add them to their pistols as standard.
I'm really liking the Lakeline LLC fiber optic sights I bought for my Taurus G2C and G3. Green on the rear sight and red on the front, makes a very good sight picture.
Black Hills Honey Badger in my Hellcat (9mm 125 grain Subsonic) and my M&P Shield. 380 65 grain in my M&P Bodyguard. See the Guns and Ammo review. They run perfectly in all of them. Expensive but, for me, worth it.
My Favorite FIVE for the HellCat 9mm.
Federal Premium Personal Defense, 9mm +P HST, 124 Grain
2. Winchester Defender, 9mm +P, Bonded Jacketed Hollow Point, 124 Grain
3. Speer Gold Dot, 9mm+P, GDHP, 124 Grain
4. Hornady American Gunner, 9mm +P, XTP-HP, 124 Grain
5. Hornady Critical Duty, 9mm+P, FlexLock, 135 Grain
I have used these five with good results in my Springfield Armory HellCat OSP 9mm Pistol as well as my XDM OSP 9MM 4.5 " Pistol. as well in my Ruger PC 9MM Carbine Rifle.
Not going to dispute the round but as a Mod I feel obligated that mention that +p+ is not Saami rated and therefore voids your warranty.
Allow me to correct myself. In the Hellcat I use the Underwood +P, not the +P+. The Hellcat is rated +P and I do conform to that. I have another 9mm pistol in which I use the +P+, as it is rated for it. (The difference between the two is 75 fps [1475 v. 1550].)
For Combat operations, the U.S.ARMY ISSUE Ammo for a pistol .45 ACP 230 Grain Full Metal jacket ball ammo or 9mm 115-grain full metal jacket ball ammo, soldiers lives depend on it I served as an Infantryman for 20 years served in 2 Conflicts in combat I seen first hand. If you hit the center mass of a Torso 99% probability it's a kill with just ball ammo. Specialty ammo is designed to make a massive wound channel with Deep penetration causing more blood loss and trauma to damage vitals Heart, Lungs, Arteries, Spine, Brain Stem, Brain to kill, or stop an attacker. Marksmanship & Shot Placement is key. Ball Ammo will kill you just as dead as specialty Hollow Point ammo.
In fairness, the military uses ball ammo because expanding bullets are against the Geneva convention, not because ball ammo is the best choice. I appreciate your sentiment regarding shot placement, but if there's a better tool out there, why not use it?
I've shot hundreds(xtreme defender not penetrator and +P only) through my Hellcat OSP, and a couple hundred through my Hellcat RDP. Never had a single issue, every round fired perfectly and the Hellcats ate them up, so much that I shot most my backup boxes and just ordered 4 more boxes for stock, I don't need to run anymore now that I trust this ammo, as this stuff is pricy and hard to find.
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My question is similar but Iā€™m more interested in at least fairly specific answers (either from technical data or shooter experiencesā€¦ or both). Not to be critical, but too many folks are answering with more so of general guidelines that are basically applicable to any firearm and all shooting in general. I realize this may be appropriate for maybe new gun owners or beginners, but a lot of folks (like me for example) may be more familiar with the ā€œbasicsā€and are just new to the specific firearm theyā€™re asking about. After all, these forums are where we go for more reliable information about manufacturerā€™s products, instead of looking on www dot whatever where the results are either too confusing or flat out wrong. More so lately, with ammo shortages, difficulties finding range time & other factors, people are looking for information that unfortunately time & circumstances makes nearly impossible. In short, weā€™re not lazy, and we understand nothing beats range time and good ole time trial & error, but weā€™re looking specifics. Personally, and for defensive EDC purposes, does the Hellcat have a GRAIN preference? Are there particular brands found to be more reliable than others, etc.? That kind of stuff. Before I close, let me back up a bit. I have to give credit where credit is due. All you guys on here who take the time to help folks and to answer their (our) questions are great! The advice you give is necessary, informative and right on the money. In addition, the general guidelines and information you give ARE necessary for a lot of folks as well. So I want to end my post by saying thank you so much, and I look forward to any & all advice you can give! Thanks again! MM
Both of mine will shoots rocks.
Target I usually shoot blazer brass 115, or PMC 115 , for home defense Hornady critical defense.
My question is similar but Iā€™m more interested in at least fairly specific answers (either from technical data or shooter experiencesā€¦ or both). Not to be critical, but too many folks are answering with more so of general guidelines that are basically applicable to any firearm and all shooting in general. I realize this may be appropriate for maybe new gun owners or beginners, but a lot of folks (like me for example) may be more familiar with the ā€œbasicsā€and are just new to the specific firearm theyā€™re asking about. After all, these forums are where we go for more reliable information about manufacturerā€™s products, instead of looking on www dot whatever where the results are either too confusing or flat out wrong. More so lately, with ammo shortages, difficulties finding range time & other factors, people are looking for information that unfortunately time & circumstances makes nearly impossible. In short, weā€™re not lazy, and we understand nothing beats range time and good ole time trial & error, but weā€™re looking specifics. Personally, and for defensive EDC purposes, does the Hellcat have a GRAIN preference? Are there particular brands found to be more reliable than others, etc.? That kind of stuff. Before I close, let me back up a bit. I have to give credit where credit is due. All you guys on here who take the time to help folks and to answer their (our) questions are great! The advice you give is necessary, informative and right on the money. In addition, the general guidelines and information you give ARE necessary for a lot of folks as well. So I want to end my post by saying thank you so much, and I look forward to any & all advice you can give! Thanks again! MM
I tend to take advice/experience from peopleā€™s personal experience with THEIR specific firearm with a grain of salt. It doesnā€™t hurt as a base starting point but letā€™s face it, what works great in your Hellcat may not work well in mine.