
Best Hellcat Ammo?

My question is similar but I’m more interested in at least fairly specific answers (either from technical data or shooter experiences… or both). Not to be critical, but too many folks are answering with more so of general guidelines that are basically applicable to any firearm and all shooting in general. I realize this may be appropriate for maybe new gun owners or beginners, but a lot of folks (like me for example) may be more familiar with the “basics”and are just new to the specific firearm they’re asking about. After all, these forums are where we go for more reliable information about manufacturer’s products, instead of looking on www dot whatever where the results are either too confusing or flat out wrong. More so lately, with ammo shortages, difficulties finding range time & other factors, people are looking for information that unfortunately time & circumstances makes nearly impossible. In short, we’re not lazy, and we understand nothing beats range time and good ole time trial & error, but we’re looking specifics. Personally, and for defensive EDC purposes, does the Hellcat have a GRAIN preference? Are there particular brands found to be more reliable than others, etc.? That kind of stuff. Before I close, let me back up a bit. I have to give credit where credit is due. All you guys on here who take the time to help folks and to answer their (our) questions are great! The advice you give is necessary, informative and right on the money. In addition, the general guidelines and information you give ARE necessary for a lot of folks as well. So I want to end my post by saying thank you so much, and I look forward to any & all advice you can give! Thanks again! MM
The thing is, you simply CANNOT make a blanket statement of "The Hellcat prefers such and such bullet weight ("grain") in such and such profile"...because it WILL NOT be applicable to all Hellcats, and--more importantly--all shooters...because the shooter is a BIG part of the equation when it comes to reliability and accuracy in a specific load.

For example, there can be a +P load that nearly everyone finds is incredibly accurate and reliable...but if you have a recoil sensitive shooter, that +P load will likely cause malfunction and definitely cause inaccuracy...despite everyone else saying it's "the best".

So, really...sometimes what you want to hear actually isn't the correct information.
Anyone has an opinion on the Federal Ammo "Personal Defense HST Micro 9mm Luger"?
It's a 150 grain bullet, but shot with lower velocity from a 4" barrel. Note that all their ammo velocities are tested from the same 4", so they will perform differently from a 3".
They say that:
The line provides consistent expansion, optimum penetration and superior terminal performance with bullet weights and propellants optimized for the most efficient cycling and accuracy in subcompact handguns.
  • Heavy bullet and lower velocity decreases felt recoil and noise
See it here: https://www.federalpremium.com/hand...se/personal-defense-hst-micro/11-P9HST5S.html
Anyone has an opinion on the Federal Ammo "Personal Defense HST Micro 9mm Luger"?
It's a 150 grain bullet, but shot with lower velocity from a 4" barrel. Note that all their ammo velocities are tested from the same 4", so they will perform differently from a 3".
They say that:

See it here: https://www.federalpremium.com/hand...se/personal-defense-hst-micro/11-P9HST5S.html
It performs well on the Lucky Gunner test, which was a 3.5” barrel, or thereabouts...I’d trust it.
What I Personally use and prefer in my pistol currently is 147 grain Sig Elite Performance V-Crown ammunition. My reasoning is you can find 50 bullets for 50 bucks or less (depends where you shop), it runs clean and smooth (fired 50 through it, no issues), and it's accurate as well as has a nice recoil to it for ME personally. Just thought I'd throw this in here since I didn't see any mention of the sig V-crown and it's good stuff at a good price, but to each their own.


  • Sierra-V-Crown-fourth.jpg
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I know you asked about ammo for the Hellcat which I think is an AWESOME handgun. Unfortunately, that model is on the CA NO NO list because of the round/magazine capacity and doesn't have a thumb safety. The brain trusts (DUMBOS in Sacramento) think they know what best to keep the citizens safe and then trash a Federal Judge who talks more about the Constitutional aspect of his judgement. But of course the LIBS know all and elect garbage like our Governor who IS THE BIGGEST SAFETY CONCERN of all Californians...(sorry for the soapbox speech and going off topic). But as to the ammo, IMHO, depends on what you are using the ammo for. Round nose FMJ 115grs are fine at the range. But for everyday carry in normal life, any of the Control Expansion (Hollow Points) rounds would do the most damage to anyone or anything it hits. Just my .02 worth!
I know you asked about ammo for the Hellcat which I think is an AWESOME handgun. Unfortunately, that model is on the CA NO NO list because of the round/magazine capacity and doesn't have a thumb safety. The brain trusts (DUMBOS in Sacramento) think they know what best to keep the citizens safe and then trash a Federal Judge who talks more about the Constitutional aspect of his judgement. But of course the LIBS know all and elect garbage like our Governor who IS THE BIGGEST SAFETY CONCERN of all Californians...(sorry for the soapbox speech and going off topic). But as to the ammo, IMHO, depends on what you are using the ammo for. Round nose FMJ 115grs are fine at the range. But for everyday carry in normal life, any of the Control Expansion (Hollow Points) rounds would do the most damage to anyone or anything it hits. Just my .02 worth!
Not just “any” controlled expansion, unfortunately.

Theres a lot of hollow points that don’t expand...and it gets worse with shorter barrels.

Check out the 9mm results here:

There are a number of rounds that didn’t expand, or only had minimal expansion (less than .1”).

I recommend that everyone should do their research before putting just “any JHP” in their weapon.
I don't carry guns all the time. I live in a place where I haven't ever needed one, and as I get older and stay in more my needing to carry one all the time shrinks like my bank account and other stuff. That said, carry ammo should be the most reliable and trustworthy of all you have shot with your pistol. To find this out means doing a lot of shooting at the range. Doing this means (for me) using affordable ammo that can be easily found on the market. Buying it 500 rounds or more at a time. Those specialized defense rounds are pretty expensive, come in 20 round boxes, and vanish from the market regularly because they are so popular with tactical shooters.
Many of them won't expand out of a 3" barrel anyway, and thus a waste of money.
Here's my answer- if I shoot some maniac with cheap hardball and he won't stop, I'll just shoot him some more.
My little Hellcat holds 14 rounds. Nobody could murder me after he's shot full of holes like a sieve.
So if pow pow pow pow pow doesn't suffice, I'll give him a few more til it does. (And one to grow on!)
I don't carry guns all the time. I live in a place where I haven't ever needed one, and as I get older and stay in more my needing to carry one all the time shrinks like my bank account and other stuff. That said, carry ammo should be the most reliable and trustworthy of all you have shot with your pistol. To find this out means doing a lot of shooting at the range. Doing this means (for me) using affordable ammo that can be easily found on the market. Buying it 500 rounds or more at a time. Those specialized defense rounds are pretty expensive, come in 20 round boxes, and vanish from the market regularly because they are so popular with tactical shooters.
Many of them won't expand out of a 3" barrel anyway, and thus a waste of money.
Here's my answer- if I shoot some maniac with cheap hardball and he won't stop, I'll just shoot him some more.
My little Hellcat holds 14 rounds. Nobody could murder me after he's shot full of holes like a sieve.
So if pow pow pow pow pow doesn't suffice, I'll give him a few more til it does. (And one to grow on!)
Hornady Critical Defense rounds are specifically designed for short barreled handguns.
I don't personally think that there is a best ammo for the Hellcat, need to try different kinds to find out if your gun likes it and if it will function right, Critical Defense, I had a few bobbles with it, but I have used Sig V-Crown and and Winchester Silver Tips with no issue, but each gun will be different.
Good to know. Still, $30 for a 25 round box, if they aren't back ordered. The best ammo (to me) is the kind you can readily buy that feeds reliably and goes bang every time.
It's available. I don't trust it personally since it has given me problems in a couple guns, but it is available. I'm pretty well stocked up on HST and even though I am pretty well stocked up I got a deal awhile back on some 124 gr. Federal Punch and I bought a few boxes. It appears to cycle just fine in both my 9MMs, but I haven't fired any of it yet. it's on my to-do list, but it's pretty far down there right now. At this time I don't feel comfortable wasting hollow points on testing when I have an ample supply of stuff I know works. At some point I will.
Well I'm on probably my 2nd or 3rd thousand rounds through my Hellcat, and so far it has run anything and everything I've put through it. Doesn't seem to make any difference in weight, type, manufacture, or anything else. I've never had even a hiccup. And that includes standard loads, a few +P's (very few), hand loads, both HP's and FMJ, 115gr, 124gr, and some factory 147gr stuff.

So, I feel very comfortable carrying any of several personal defense loads, but right now it's Sig V-Crown 124gr. No matter what I'm using, I always carry a mag full ........... and one extra in my pocket, just so that in any circumstance and no matter how I end up I can always say it can always be said that it ended before I ran out of ammo !!!! LOL! LOL! I don't ever want it said that I didn't have enough ammo on hand. (y)(y)(y)
Just wondering whats the best ammo for the Hellcat?
For defense, mine loves Underwood extreme defender......
Prohibitively expensive to shoot enough to verify reliability, imho, and questionable if it lives up to it’s claims.

Personally, I don’t see it doing anything any better than a heavy, hard cast flat nose loaded hot
Check out the gel tests. They don't overpenetrate like hard cast, and they create a larger wound track than a hollowpoint. I got them on sale, 20 for 20 bucks! Buck apeice, less than HST, etc. Small price to pay for your life....
For defense, mine loves Underwood extreme defender......

Check out the gel tests. They don't overpenetrate like hard cast, and they create a larger wound track than a hollowpoint. I got them on sale, 20 for 20 bucks! Buck apeice, less than HST, etc. Small price to pay for your life....
No, they don’t make a bigger wound track…it’s due to gel’s inelasticity that it looks that way.

Feel free to use them, but I won’t touch ‘em.
No, they don’t make a bigger wound track…it’s due to gel’s inelasticity that it looks that way.

Feel free to use them, but I won’t touch ‘em.
They test them through denim, sheet metal and ribs before they get through the gel, no problem, even a car door. Good enough for me. Sometimes hollow points don't open up, no worry about that with Underwood.