Not for us fat people. LOL.....
Not so fast,
Don't take this the wrong way - I'm not using this post to call you out or suggest that you're wrong.
Rather, it's just to illustrate a few things:
(1) Comfort is subjective - this needs no further clarification.
(2) "Concealment" is also somewhat subjective. Different folks have different definitions of what exactly that word means. To some, it simply means that the weapon itself is not grossly in plain sight. To others, it means that short of a physical pat-down, there's no way that even those who should know that a weapon may be present will in any way be able to visualize it.
(3) Gear and setup can make all the difference. Spencer Keepers isn't a small guy by any means of the words, and it just so happens that his gear are among, objectively, the best in the industry where it comes to IWB and AIWB concealment:
This is a guy who is not only considered by many to be an SME in this specific topic area, but also has the credentials to walk that talk, with many finals runs, if not wins, against his peers.
Those of you who've seen my past posts in other threads know that I'm a porky type. I've got a few pictures below which show me with a tucked-in shirt that - while it doesn't do anything to advance our current discussion on "concealment" - reveals my pot-belly Buddah shape quite mercilessly and without shame......
And below, I'm in the tucked-in green wool sweater, second one from the right
I'm a porky 250 lbs. on a medium frame, at 6' even.
I usually conceal at my 2:30 - somewhere between strong-side IWB and AIWB, and my usual gear works out very, very well for me with that clocking and how I set up the gun, under the types of T-shirts that I typically wear (you can see some pictures of how I look practically every day of the year in the post here -
However, because of my work and other places where I need to be during my usual days, I don't always have the ability to legally conceal-carry, so instead, as with many legal conceal-carry Ohioans, I lock and secure a handgun in my vehicle so that I can "arm-up" when I am no longer prohibited from doing so. In order to facilitate safe and speedy arming/disarming, I keep my "car gun," a Glock 32, in a simple Blade-Tech Klipt. I can easily don and doff the gun/holster in the time-span of a typical city intersection's red light.
^ And you know what? With this setup, because of where the clip on the holster is versus the belt-loops of my jeans, I'm more a the 2-o'clock or even 1:30-ish.
Is it the best concealment? No, it isn't. The grip length of the G19-sized guns has always given me a bit of an issue based on my body shape/type and my clothing, but then again, this particular holster doesn't use a tucking strut/wedge, either, so there's always that. But at the same time, when I got up in the restaurant to pay, no-one started shouting.
Comfort? It wasn't my usual, but I had no problem either while eating this:
(^ not my picture - but this is the Moctezuma Molcajete at Don Ramone's, a bubbling hot stone grinding bowl of deliciousness that's shrimp, beef, and chicken)
^ Or even on the drive home afterwards.
Fat guys can AIWB, too.