
Big guy looking for concealed carry options

my club, i can go 24/7/365...most times, i am alone.

a simple email to the board members gets me results

my public range where the people there, both workers AND customers are GREAT with helping out as well

arrangements can be made at either place for lessons, advice, etc.

many times too, someone at either place will let you shoot a few rounds, or an entire magazine to get the feel of a particular gun.

holsters are a whole different monster.

i like appendix inside waistband (AIWB) holsters, others like outside waistband, (OWB), others like shoulder holsters.

see what others are using, watch some videos from holster websites.

just be careful, some people end up with boxes and boxes of holsters in the closet.

i only have 2 AIWB holsters, one for my Glock G-30, and one for my Hellcat (non-pro)

i got both at Alien Gear, for me, very comfortable
Sounds like a great club! The one closest to me is a lot more limited but I really love some of their options, such as getting a discount on annual range dues by working a couple volunteer hours here and there. They are small but last time I checked their site, they have about 1.4k members.

I've considered AIWB or IWB in general but I feel like it would be fairly uncomfortable and a bit difficult when it comes to pant sizing (as I already get big and tall sizes), on top of keeping my pants up haha. A lot of gun belts seem to max out around my size if not before. That's why I've been leaning towards shoulder or sticky pocket carry. Thankfully, I live in an area where it's cold enough to shoulder carry during half of the year if I did go that route, and my size would help with the concealment.
So I am somewhat in the same boat as you are, 6’ 250lb but I am narrow waisted (no butt) so that I have to wear my belt tight to keep my pants from falling. This prevents me from using an IWB holster, I have a drawer full of them that didn’t work out. I also liked wearing tight fitting tucked shirts. So I had to get past that and start wearing longer and looser shirts so I could carry OWB. I had a custom made leather holster made for my original Hellcat and wear it slightly past 3:30 spot. I live in Texas and am retired so I mostly am in cargo shorts so I have a Sticky holster that works great for me.
I generally wear baggy clothing but I would still be concerned about OWB. What do you find you use more - the sticky holster or the leather at 3:30?
If considering any kind of pocket carry, be damn sure that the ONLY two things in that pocket are a good holster that completely covers trigger, and the gun that fits that holster. Anything else could turn out real bad.
That would be the plan! I am very careful and paranoid of a negligent discharge for my own well being and others. That is a big reason why I would prefer a manual safety but I know that does not guard me from accidents either. Still, it being slightly less likely is appealing to me.
Sounds like you are asking all the right questions, I have lost over 70lbs since January with medical assistance do to health issues. Was 6ft @ 241 lbs. Now 165 lbs. To me it was much easier to not "print" carrying IWB when I had the Xtra lbs. Currently I carry IWB 1 o'clock, Sig P365, Wilson Combat X MACRO short grip module. The grip module brings unit to 17 +1 rounds and allows for full purchase when gripping pistol. No pinky hanging in the wind.
An often overlooked component to successful concealed carry is a good belt. I use a Kore essential 1-1/2". It is extremely stiff and will NOT fold or roll, and fits belt loops on most of my pants. Hope this helps.


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I 2nd Kore belts. I've "testing" my first one now for 2-3 years and while it has a couple problems, it has outlived any leather belt I've worn in my lifetime. I don't use the Kore for its intended purchase...I do use IWB or OWB....I just like a rigid belt and wear it 2-4 days/week.
Sounds like you are asking all the right questions, I have lost over 70lbs since January with medical assistance do to health issues. Was 6ft @ 241 lbs. Now 165 lbs. To me it was much easier to not "print" carrying IWB when I had the Xtra lbs. Currently I carry IWB 1 o'clock, Sig P365, Wilson Combat X MACRO short grip module. The grip module brings unit to 17 +1 rounds and allows for full purchase when gripping pistol. No pinky hanging in the wind.
An often overlooked component to successful concealed carry is a good belt. I use a Kore essential 1-1/2". It is extremely stiff and will NOT fold or roll, and fits belt loops on most of my pants. Hope this helps.
It does, thank you! I'll look into Kore
Good luck on getting something, but I will say don’t let a salesman talk you into firearm that you are not comfortable with, meaning fitment, caliber and price, remember, most salesman are working for a commission, I have seen this happen many times. You are doing good by asking questions.
Good luck on getting something, but I will say don’t let a salesman talk you into firearm that you are not comfortable with, meaning fitment, caliber and price, remember, most salesman are working for a commission, I have seen this happen many times. You are doing good by asking questions.
I am a big skeptic when it comes to what is being pushed by sales people. I've been close to making a couple car salesmen cry before so I'm a bit of a terror. For me, honesty and evidence is what gets me to buy. Thanks for looking out.
Let's not take revolvers off the table. They're very often the best option for portly individuals. IMO.
Senior citizen, 6' 250-280 depending on time of year (all I do in the winter is shovel snow, summer I work/putter and sweat). J frame type revolver bobbed, shrouded, or hammerless, (don't need the hammer rubbing on the spare tire) OWB in a Don Hume JIT

JMHO, remember that standard pressure 38 spl has been knocking the stuffing out of crap that needs its stuffing rearranged for 100 years. Now to wind up everyone even 22LR. Nobody likes holes poked in them. Ninja death squads and meth head zombie bikers excepted ;):rolleyes:
Images stolen from the web.
Senior citizen, 6' 250-280 depending on time of year (all I do in the winter is shovel snow, summer I work/putter and sweat). J frame type revolver bobbed, shrouded, or hammerless, (don't need the hammer rubbing on the spare tire) OWB in a Don Hume JIT
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JMHO, remember that standard pressure 38 spl has been knocking the stuffing out of crap that needs its stuffing rearranged for 100 years. Now to wind up everyone even 22LR. Nobody likes holes poked in them. Ninja death squads and meth head zombie bikers excepted ;):rolleyes:
Images stolen from the web.
I feel like I'll need at least 10 rounds for the ninja death squads and meth head bikers 😉😂
Hi @Thrun,

Welcome to the forum. :)

Has anyone mentioned a belly band holster? There are several makers with several configuration options, right hand, left hand, cross draw, spare mag storage, etc. But some "portly" guys don't like them.

Have you considered a shoulder rig? You can put the gun under one pit and a spare mag or two under the other.

Granted, for both of these options you'll have to dress around the gun. I suggest you try a few options and train with each before deciding what's best.

I never thought it would happen to me but, even in the short time I've been involved in the target/self-defense "sports", I've acquired a cupboard full of holsters that have fallen out of favor. It's a journey. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Hi @Thrun,

Welcome to the forum. :)

Has anyone mentioned a belly band holster? There are several makers with several configuration options, right hand, left hand, cross draw, spare mag storage, etc. But some "portly" guys don't like them.

Have you considered a shoulder rig? You can put the gun under one pit and a spare mag or two under the other.

Granted, for both of these options you'll have to dress around the gun. I suggest you try a few options and train with each before deciding what's best.

I never thought it would happen to me but, even in the short time I've been involved in the target/self-defense "sports", I've acquired a cupboard full of holsters that have fallen out of favor. It's a journey. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Thank you!

I've looked into belly bands but those I've found, I've been too fat for.

Shoulder rig is something I'm leaning towards as I think it would feel natural and negate some of my other concerns. However, I would like a secondary option as well.

Many of the articles I've read about holsters mention that very thing! Many of them winding up in a drawer somewhere.
Well there are a million different opinions. Here's mine. I think AIWB ( Appendix inside the waistband) might work for you. Like 1:00. Do yourself a favor and get a thin framed gun. Sig P365, IWI Masada Slim and a good Kydex IWB holster ( I like Muddy River Tactical).