
Big guy looking for concealed carry options

Good luck, Thrun, and welcome to the forum.

I usually don’t fit in with the crowd very well, and with guns and carrying, that pretty much continues. I know you are attracted to the Hellcat, and based on what I have read, it is a great gun. However, for me personally, I have no use for any striker fired pistol. I carry either a double action only revolver in a Mika holster in my front right pocket, or a single action/double action semi-auto in an appendix inside the waistband (aka AIWB) holster from Crossbreed. Neither has a manual safety, but the longer/stiffer trigger pull for all shots with the S&W model 642 or the double action first shot of the semi-auto is my safety. I feel like with a modicum of conscienceness, either is perfectly safe for me. If you study actual “private citizen” self defense shootings, most are finished either before a shot is fired or within 3 shots if shooting is necessary. So for me, a five shot revolver is okay 95% or more of the time carried around in my pocket and is among the most convenient and unobtrusive way to carry. Just drop it in my pocket when I am also dropping my wallet and keys in other pockets and walk out the door. I like simple. When I am also responsible for protecting other people AND myself at church, I feel I may need more ammo on board and carry a semi-auto AIWB. I use my thumb on the hammer when holstering the semi-auto to be sure I don’t have an accidental discharge. I also carry the semi-auto other times depending on my mood and circumstances. Nothing is 100% fail safe I guess, but these are mr preferences.

I know this is a long post and apologize. I wanted to maybe explain my thinking a little more than I usually do since you are new to concealed carry and are soliciting advice. Good luck in your search for the perfect solution FOR YOU. I subscribe to Keith Graves’ Christian Warrior You Tube channel, and he always ends with “Remember your ABC’s. Always Be Carrying.”
Get pants that stretch. 5.11 Ridge Pants, Wrangler flex cargos. Kore tactical nylon belt with micro adjustments. Crossbreed Tuck holsters.
Frank Mika was in my LAPD Academy class, sadly he passes away in 2010, from cancer. Read his obit.

Also, I had earlier mentioned using a shoulder holster. One advantage is that a good one has tie downs on each side, making them similar to suspenders in keeping your trousers up, a common problem with us who are more gut than butt!