I'm a pretty big guy. 6'1", 240 pounds. I've weighed as much as 330. I found a high ride holster with a medium sized semi auto to be the most comfortable. I wear a tucked in t-shirt and my typical untucked Carhartt shirt to conceal. Unfortunately my preferred holster isn't made any longer but I have purchased from Craft holsters for new additions to my collection. I prefer models It.141 and It.C114. I own both and use whichever best suits what I am doing on a particular day. The It.141 is the most comfortable of the 2. And like Rainman, I too have a drawer full of holsters I didn't like!

Those of us with a drawer full of holsters we didn't care for should have a holster trade day. We all might have a holster that someone else has been looking for.