
Black Rifle Coffee

I live on coffee. (6 or more pots a day) Not that picky about it though because while I'm on duty protecting and serving is when I consume the most and it never fails the "yakker box" aka radio goes off and I have to respond to some sort of an issue or something. So I really don't get to enjoy it all that much at work.
I cant drink coffee. Tried everything from $$$$ to $ and every additive, sweetener, cream combination to man. Dont like it .
Crazy thing is I love chocolate covered espresso beans and keep a bag of them at work and eat some daily.
Even tried a cup of nice Joe at work after eating the choco beans from a coffee snob next office to mine and still couldnt drink the coffee.
Weird l, but that’s me 😜
Guard duty on frozen rice patties in Korea caused my to start drinking coffee. Been hooked ever since. One of my Soldiers told me that I was cranky without my coffee.
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Not a coffee snob, but I like what I like…Usually Central/South American medium or light roasts, occasionally dark roast. Mostly get my beans from a local shop that roasts their own.

Black. If I wanted a glass of cream & sugar, I’d have that.

I do like cold brew coffee, though…my wife makes it, uses the ALDI medium roast…great stuff in the summer. That, I’ll occasionally take with a little cream & sugar…but that’s usually a “dessert coffee” after Sunday breakfast, and will likely have some Bailey’s or Jameson in it for a boost.
Not a coffee snob, but I like what I like…Usually Central/South American medium or light roasts, occasionally dark roast. Mostly get my beans from a local shop that roasts their own.

Black. If I wanted a glass of cream & sugar, I’d have that.

I do like cold brew coffee, though…my wife makes it, uses the ALDI medium roast…great stuff in the summer. That, I’ll occasionally take with a little cream & sugar…but that’s usually a “dessert coffee” after Sunday breakfast, and will likely have some Bailey’s or Jameson in it for a boost.
I tried ice coffee, but could not get used to it. Just cannot stomach cold coffee.
I tried BRC a while back, actually subscribed for regular delivery. At first it was ok, tried a different blend name, not any better. In fact they had several blends, you had to buy a $ bag just to try it.
They don’t or didn’t mention bean source or type, but shipping/delivery became so erratic I’d run out of coffee between shipments. Since the blends really weren’t that great with nothing especially distinct from the other, after wasting money on trials with those blends, I canceled

I noticed they are a company based in the western states, but the box it came in was from the south-east location. So one has to wonder if BRC is a rebranded blend distributor and not necessarily a coffee roaster. I can see this in a specialty coffee beans like a Sumatra or Kona, shipping beans to roasters can become expensive if it’s not a particular frequent seller.

Good restaurant coffee is hard to come by. Most tastes like bitter hot water. A couple of spots I frequented used to serve Intelligenista brand (very bold) ….quite expensive, but post-lockdown lockouts, energy costs and supply chain shortages really put a hit on restaurants took a toll on restaurant coffee.

Too bad for BRC, a mighty effort early on to get noticed by using clever, daring and amusing ads along with packaging art, but too little focus on product content and maybe customer service.
I cant drink coffee. Tried everything from $$$$ to $ and every additive, sweetener, cream combination to man. Dont like it .
Crazy thing is I love chocolate covered espresso beans and keep a bag of them at work and eat some daily.
Even tried a cup of nice Joe at work after eating the choco beans from a coffee snob next office to mine and still couldnt drink the coffee.
Weird l, but that’s me 😜
well at least....you won't get repeatable diarrhea.
I found that the best tasting cup of coffee comes from a pot brewed the day before, refrigerated and then heated in a pan before use. I drink mine black with a dose of maple syrup as sweetener.


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I drink a lot of coffee; there is a cup on my desk at work all day, and my preference is to make it in an old-style percolator.

When I do buy coffee out, I refuse to pay the price of "premium" coffee. Just make it hot and strong. No sugar. No dairy products. The local 7-11 makes good coffee, and so do most McDonalds. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't drink coffee. She drinks coffee flavor dessert.
The key to more gooder‘ pre-ground coffee is to regrind it in a bean grinder to very fine, almost powder. Too coarse of a grind and the water kind of passes over it rather than thru it. Want even better, bolder taste….do a pour over method with a fine grind.
I‘m a once-a-day morning coffee drinker, 16-20oz that’s it, but this conversation has me yearning for a pour over right about now.

I like my coffee I drink it black the first cup then second I will add a creamer . We usually get a dark roast at Costco Starbucks Peet’s or Costco brand what ever is on sale . I grind it there at Costco keep it in a cool spot no problems
I very much doubt that! I guess, as preference goes, if you've discovered your favorite(s) and can enjoy it often, it can seem like a gift.
I usually only drink coffee in the morning, first thing. Used to live on it when I was in the military. These days, when I find one I really like it seems to lose its flavor after about a month. Maybe it's me.. Anyway, lately I have been drinking those disgusting pods (French Roast) in my husband's Keurig. It's fast and easy at 03:15AM. I really need to get off my duff and dust off my French Press. Sounds like a fall season thing to do..:unsure:
I usually only drink coffee in the morning, first thing. Used to live on it when I was in the military. These days, when I find one I really like it seems to lose its flavor after about a month. Maybe it's me.. Anyway, lately I have been drinking those disgusting pods (French Roast) in my husband's Keurig. It's fast and easy at 03:15AM. I really need to get off my duff and dust off my French Press. Sounds like a fall season thing to do..:unsure:
Capital! An excellent plan, with an equally excellent reward.
Same. I drink one "To go" sized cup of coffee in the morning on my way to work and that's it. And really it could be any kind of coffee. I'm not picky.

Things Bassbob drinks:

1. Coffee. As mentioned, one cup of anything
2. Water
3. Iced Tea
4. Beer. Almost always Guinness Extra Stout or Rocheforte 8.
5. Martini or G&T.
I can't remember the last time I drank anything not on this list.
The Wonderful One surprised me yesterday with an unusual bag of beans, Black Rifle "Just Black" varietal. She reported it was displayed at reduced price. My unofficial Coffee Snob rating is 4.0. Unimpressive, and not a repeat. I found it a bit curious the beans were unsourced. Also, remembering posts of late last year make the company personally unappealing.
The best thing that Black Rifle Coffee does is their T-shirts!