
bun broker

I used to buy a lot on Gun Broker. Not anymore. Now they add a lot of hidden fees. Sales tax, credit card fees, be sure to check shipping costs and add transfer fees. All this stuff adds up and suddenly it wasn't a bargain after all. :rolleyes:
one has to "get lucky"....what i did was i emailed the seller (a gun dealer), but at the time., i did not know that was against the rules, (i didn't read the rules, so someone shoot me)..

so any way when i made the offer, but it was low, i lost..

however, the next day (monday) i get an email from the gun store, and he tells me he has another one for sale, it was a S&W Series E, 1911....

he offered it for the price i had bid on the day earlier.

no CC fees, only sales taxes, and shipping to my FFL....(straight $35 FedEx fee, and 7% RI sales tax)

it was great of that store to contact me.

i checked the seller out, he had great reviews and a great reputation.

that's what anyone should do, check out the seller, first and foremost......
Yeah, you have to be careful about sellers. Even A+ guys will screw ya.
Recently I was looking for a very hard to find set of grips for an older gun I have. Found a set on GB and sent seller an e-mail with a couple of questions. He was rated A+. He replied by offering them to me on an off GB deal at a very fair price. I agreed. I didn't hear back from him for four days and by then somebody had placed a bid on GB that was more than I was willing to pay.
When I finally did hear back from him, the auction was over, the grips were sold and he sorta half assed apologized. But I believe that when he saw he could get more money, he blew me off.
So be very cautious of sellers who offer off GB deals. They have no problem with breaking the rules.
Yeah, you have to be careful about sellers. Even A+ guys will screw ya.
Recently I was looking for a very hard to find set of grips for an older gun I have. Found a set on GB and sent seller an e-mail with a couple of questions. He was rated A+. He replied by offering them to me on an off GB deal at a very fair price. I agreed. I didn't hear back from him for four days and by then somebody had placed a bid on GB that was more than I was willing to pay.
When I finally did hear back from him, the auction was over, the grips were sold and he sorta half assed apologized. But I believe that when he saw he could get more money, he blew me off.
So be very cautious of sellers who offer off GB deals. They have no problem with breaking the rules.
That's why I would only do that with sellers who have stores of their own. Then I will go to their website and buy it directly from them. I met one of my favorite gun dealers that way.
when i checked only a phone number came up along with an email. thought the place (going by name) was in the dfw area? number came up in the houston area and only deals online (no store front)............1st thought that was strange, but my go-to ffl peep only does that too. he used to have a store front when he had a fuel station/garage. when we would either be flying home or leaving most of the time coming and going south would take us over his house. his wife would say, "do you hear that" he'd reply, "sounds like money" 🤣 (jp-3 iirc)
I’ve bought quite a few off BunGunBroker. I like to buy local, but I could spend years looking for something in all the shops and shows to find one, when a quick search on GB will show me dozens.

And that’s all I buy off there; things I can’t walk into the local gunshop(s) and find. Besides helping local businesses, I can probably get a better price locally. And that’s without adding the shipping and transfer fees.

So for me, Bun and Gun is a convenience source.

I’ve never been burned, but I try to be careful. The only problem I’ve had is a small one. Sometimes, a gun I’ve bought will arrive at the shop with nothing tying it to me. No paper or tag with my name on it. They only have my word when I come in to get it and tell them what it is. It hasn’t been a real problem, but it makes me shake my head. What the heck, it’s only a gun!
I’ve bought quite a few off BunGunBroker. I like to buy local, but I could spend years looking for something in all the shops and shows to find one, when a quick search on GB will show me dozens.

And that’s all I buy off there; things I can’t walk into the local gunshop(s) and find. Besides helping local businesses, I can probably get a better price locally. And that’s without adding the shipping and transfer fees.

So for me, Bun and Gun is a convenience source.

I’ve never been burned, but I try to be careful. The only problem I’ve had is a small one. Sometimes, a gun I’ve bought will arrive at the shop with nothing tying it to me. No paper or tag with my name on it. They only have my word when I come in to get it and tell them what it is. It hasn’t been a real problem, but it makes me shake my head. What the heck, it’s only a gun!
Do you get a shipping/tracking number when it's shipped? Most of the time that's all the info I get, but sometimes it has my name and in care of ffl's. A place in Houston 1 time had my name, but had the ffl's address on the box. In the same order there was non-ffl items also. Both packages arrived at the same time and usps handed me what was supposed to go to the ffl. I took it and went to the ffl for the transfer . I also called the place of purchase about the issue so they would hopefully not make that mistake again!
You have to be diligent and make sure the buns that are pictured are the same buns you’re buying. Don’t go for those week old buns.
My bun broker order arrived ;) :rolleyes:🤣🤣🤣 and time to find out if @BET7 Has 1 ir more of this beast
Well, I actually have 2 if it counts that 1 is a 1.0 model, the other 2.0 and both in black. 😆😆
But no, I don’t have any FDE S&W M&Ps currently (but congrats on the get TRL 😏).
But I did pick up something today (ordered from LGS about a year ago). No pictures available yet, but hint is that it’s a Sig in FDE/Bronze color & very expensive 💸💸 😲😭😂😂