
California Raising Background Check Fee's 500%, Get Ready

California Raising Background Check Fee's 500%.
:rolleyes: 🤬 always something "new". It takes time for law or agency "rules" to get struck down, overturned, ruled unconstitutional. Once that happens, change a word or two and start again. We keep "winning" but they get to keep playing by the rule they want. There is only one option to stop this B.S. People that do this have to be help PERSONALY accountable. Una salus haec est
Is this just for ammo or is that $5 background check fee the same for buying guns?
Here in Tennessee there is no check for ammo, but the NICS check on a firearm is $10.
Probably should have asked first, but is this in addition to the transfer fee or part of it? Even in Texas LGS charges transfer fee is buying gun somewhere else and having it transferred in their shop…which that I agree with, they have to do lots of paperwork/accounting. That money goes to LGS, not Uncle…
I should clarify. Tennessee doesn't actually use the FBI NICS system. We have our own instant background check system run by Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. They charge $10 per check.
NICS has become the common term for background checks everywhere so I inadvertently used it. :rolleyes:

So, I take it that other states don't charge for a background check when you purchase a firearm? Or do they just include it in the price?

Back to my original question. Is this new California fee just for ammo or do they charge $5 on a firearm purchase?