
California Raising Background Check Fee's 500%, Get Ready

Is this just for ammo or is that $5 background check fee the same for buying guns?
Here in Tennessee there is no check for ammo, but the NICS check on a firearm is $10.
The total state fee is $37.19. The DROS fee is $31.19 which covers the costs of the background checks and transfer registry. There is also a $1.00 Firearms Safety Act Fee, and a $5.00 Safety and Enforcement Fee.

The ammunition purchase also requires a background check so most people can no longer purchase ammunition on-line. There are exceptions which I will not list here. The fee is $1 for the BG check for each purchase. But there ae rumors they intend to raise and I have no doubt they will.

They also charge $25 for a Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC) to be able to buy a firearm and that you have to renew every 5 years.

It is unclear to me if they're raising the DROS/Transfer Fees even more but I would not be surprised. They need revenue from somewhere to fund free healthcare, subsidized housing, and other benefits for "newcomers" which will cost billions a year.

As conservative taxpayers and businesses leave the state, the number of households paying for all the socialism is dropping which is leading them to add and increase fees and taxes to those remaining. Less than 48% of households pay any income taxes at all. They now have program for many fees (such as electricity) to reduce costs for low-income households shifting the fee increases on to the middle class and above.

I just paid $4.259 a gallon for gas at CostCo (the least expensive place around). They plan to increase the tax by $0.50 a gallon each year starting in 2025 as they phase out fossil fuel vehicles all together by 2030. they are banning fossil tools such as chain saw, lawnmowers, bleaf blowers etc.

Seriously. I am not making this up. Gavin Newsom looked at Mauro's rampant Socialism in Venezuela and said "Hold my beer!"
It turns out the 400% increase or 500% (if you do not realize 100% times something is the same number) is nearly at the end of the 45-day comment period (which they ignore anyway). So we'll see if it "flies" soon enough. I am betting it will.
Any gun owner that lives there deserves what they get.
Yes and no. Do we get what we endure? Yes. Are we going to tolerate it long term? No. But it is not simple to move an entire household in a short time, especially if jobs and pensions are not easy to transfer. So some of us have endured this and will have to keep enduring it for sometime until we are financially ready. So tone down the rhetoric a bit. We are patriots and we are not stupid, but we have family and financial obligations we have to consider in the balance when we endure tyranny. The Colonists were harassed by King George, his taxes, his restrictions, and his Redcoats for years before April 19th 1775. Judge not lest ye be judged.
"shall not be infringed".......pffft.
The parchment no longer matters, the higher courts decide it says what they want it to say. The system was made for 1776, not 2024. The Bill of Rights is eternal, but the system that protects it has not evolved with the world and is failing. "What is a moderate interpretation of the text? Halfway between what it really means and what you'd like it to mean? – Antonin Scalia