
Carry vs No Guns sign.

In NH “no carry" signs bear no legal weight and only if you're asked to leave and do not leave can you get in trouble with the law here though this applies to non firearm carriers as well.

I'm not in the business of giving businesses my business if they choose to be anti-constitutional.

Only federal buildings and courthouses are off limits to carry in NH.
This is quite simple:

Do you have the right to post a political sign in the window of a business that does not want it? Or hold a religious service there against the business owner’s wishes?

It’s absolutely no different than carrying a gun past a sign (legally compliant or no) saying the business does not want you to. If you don’t like it, don’t shop there. Why you’d want to give money to a business that doesn’t support your 2A rights is a question you should be asking yourself first and foremost.

It doesn’t matter “what may go down”; that’s immaterial. If that worries you, go elsewhere; dot, period, end of story.
You didn't quite hit a bulls eye on getting the point of my post Hans.

Generally I do not do business with a business that does not support 2A.

What "goes down" happens in churches, restaurants, banks, shopping malls, tea rooms, on the sidewalk, literally anywhere. So my point was that anytime a person leaves his piece at home or in the vehicle he/she is firearm defenseless during that time; the stroll into whatever building, the time you are there and until you return to your vehicle or wherever you left your piece. And if you are not worried or certain that something could not go down during that time you may do as you please and follow every sign you come to.

Me? Uh. I'm thinking about it. :)
With the new Permitless Carry law here in Texas, alot seem to be confused. If you are carrying under the new law, unlicensed, any establishment may post signage stating no guns on premises and the carrier must abide. If you are an LTC holder, you can ignore it. If you see a Legal 30.06 sign (no licensed concealed carry) or 30.07 sign (no licensed open carry) You must abide by the rules even if holding an LTC.

Texas/US Law Shield made a very handy guide for clarity. Pages 24 and 25 have the chart, but the rest is a very nice explanation of the new laws.

I've attached it below for anyone curious. You can carry in far more places as a license holder versus carrying under the new law, and alot more courtesy is extended to you as an LTC holder. I honestly do not see a reason not to pursue an LTC even with this new law in effect.


  • LTC vs CC Carry Guide.pdf
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True; in MN, I can carry past a "No guns" sign with no repercussions, save that I must (immediately!) leave should I be asked to.

However, I also believe that respecting rights is a two-way street; that is, if I want my rights respected, I must respect others as well...and that means not blatantly disregarding their right to ban guns on their premises.

I respect the store owners right to create the rules in thier store, but I also exercise my freedom to spend my money elsewhere.

Their property, thier rules, and I will respect them.
With the new Permitless Carry law here in Texas, alot seem to be confused. If you are carrying under the new law, unlicensed, any establishment may post signage stating no guns on premises and the carrier must abide. If you are an LTC holder, you can ignore it. If you see a Legal 30.06 sign (no licensed concealed carry) or 30.07 sign (no licensed open carry) You must abide by the rules even if holding an LTC.

Texas/US Law Shield made a very handy guide for clarity. Pages 24 and 25 have the chart, but the rest is a very nice explanation of the new laws.

I've attached it below for anyone curious. You can carry in far more places as a license holder versus carrying under the new law, and alot more courtesy is extended to you as an LTC holder. I honestly do not see a reason not to pursue an LTC even with this new law in effect.
Why didn't Texas use the same language with respect to signage. That doesn't make sense. In Oklahoma, the same applies to licensed and the unlicensed based on my understanding.
I'm busy and lazy at the same time; will one of you experts/geeks tell me what the penalty is for violating the signage law??

If someone (certainly not I!) ignores the signage and enters anyway, short of the piece falling on the floor or being exposed ( in which case the carrier deserves all he gets ) who is going to know?? Will he be frisked??

Hypothetical reality could be that two persons ignored the signage: one a permitted law abiding citizen, the other a felon/whacko bent on mayhem. The whacko pulls 'er out and opens fire in the crowd. The legal packer, with no exit option, neutralizes the situation, saving himself and others. Is the good guy now going to be charged for violating the signage?

Sorry folks, my view is that the signage is just another illegal cancellation of the Constitutional right.
I'm busy and lazy at the same time; will one of you experts/geeks tell me what the penalty is for violating the signage law??

If someone (certainly not I!) ignores the signage and enters anyway, short of the piece falling on the floor or being exposed ( in which case the carrier deserves all he gets ) who is going to know?? Will he be frisked??

Hypothetical reality could be that two persons ignored the signage: one a permitted law abiding citizen, the other a felon/whacko bent on mayhem. The whacko pulls 'er out and opens fire in the crowd. The legal packer, with no exit option, neutralizes the situation, saving himself and others. Is the good guy now going to be charged for violating the signage?

Sorry folks, my view is that the signage is just another illegal cancellation of the Constitutional right.
I've seen signage in Texas that lists the city statute for the restriction and penalty for violation.
Signs in Illinois must be a certain size and color AND have the correct statue number. Many businesses had decided that they would just make their own and make them larger, that will not be a legal signage. They also must have them in a place that is very prominent as you're going through the door. In other words you can't stick them high or low and expect people to see them above or below their vision line as they're opening a door.
So you're out running errands with your edc. One of the places you need to go has a no weapons sign posted. What do you do?

Go in. Shop. Pay. Get in car.

"No Guns" signs, in my state, do not carry the weight of law. There are certain areas where the legislature has deemed off-limits, like courthouses and mental hospitals. The post office and federal buildings are a different animal altogether. If a property owner sees me carrying and doesn't like it, all they can do is ask me to leave. If I do not comply, then the Po-Po get called on me.

I generally carry concealed 99.9% of the time, so it's more of a "don't ask, don't tell."
So the one major thing that the gun control folks and the people calling for common sense gun control laws is the FACT that it only affects law abiding citizens. Criminals dont care. As for a lot of businesses I think they have these sign up thinking it will keep the bad guys with guns out.
So the one major thing that the gun control folks and the people calling for common sense gun control laws is the FACT that it only affects law abiding citizens. Criminals dont care. As for a lot of businesses I think they have these sign up thinking it will keep the bad guys with guns out.

I just can't understand their mindset. On what planet do bad guys obey the law? Changing laws does a couple things:

1. Affect what the good guys can or cannot do.
2. Affects the punishments afflicted upon bad guys when they break a law.

Gun laws do NOTHING to PREVENT a bad guy from doing bad things, just like the police don't PREVENT crime. They chase, they arrest, and they generally get there to investigate AFTER THE FACT.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
So the one major thing that the gun control folks and the people calling for common sense gun control laws is the FACT that it only affects law abiding citizens. Criminals dont care. As for a lot of businesses I think they have these sign up thinking it will keep the bad guys with guns out.
Not quite, but can see sign sometimes a sign may shift businesses liabilities. It's not always the business owner. Sometimes, signs are there for insurance and other purposes and reasons. The sign, in some cases in a way says "I told you so" - like a no trespassing sign and MAY release business from some liability. Signage also may depend on state, local and other restrictions too. Some signs and rules may conflict as well. For example: Insurance carried. Insurance companies sometimes dictate and "stack the deck" with gimmicks with many things including firearms on premises or surroundings to reduce their liabilities for themselves and reduce claims against them. If Federal, state or local law disagree with insurance company? Conflict may arise?
Businesses are private property. If we are to respect property rights I suppose we should take our business elsewhere.
I don't carry routinely, so I hesitated to enter the discussion, but I try to respect private property rights.
When that businessman gets his butt shot off by a robber or a nutcase, he may change his thinking.
Signs in Illinois must be a certain size and color AND have the correct statue number. Many businesses had decided that they would just make their own and make them larger, that will not be a legal signage. They also must have them in a place that is very prominent as you're going through the door. In other words you can't stick them high or low and expect people to see them above or below their vision line as they're opening a door.
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The sign says NO BERETTA 92s ALLOWED!
I guess the little Hellcat really is a good choice!
Scanned thru it quickly........did not see a word about the consequences of violating the signage (if one is caught).?
If noticed in pamphlet, basically says it's just guidelines to be aware of. Pamphlet basically goes on to say seek professional counsel or specific law elsewhere for more details. Am thinking consequences are in the details found elsewhere?