Not leaving my piece anywhere but on me; ain't asking & ain't tell'n and respecting everyone I come to.
Business can not (legally) discriminate against a wide range of citizens, (race, religion, etc.etc.) and should
not discriminate against the rights of the Constitution. Signage against CC is just another cancel culture tactic.
You weren't paying attention to my post on hypothetical reality: If the honorable packing citizen fails to see a
sign and a perp walks past the sign with intent to commit crimes and the honorable packer has no exit when the
SHTF and (perhaps) saves the business owner (or his customers), who is going to do what??? Does not the saving
of someone trump failing to see a sign?? And yes, we all acknowledge that Owners, LE, Prosectors, and Judges do
not always honor the honorable citizen with the values and courage to do the right thing. I'm willing to take the risk.