
Carrying a full size handgun? Do you do IWB or OWB?

I'm too fat for IWB. I couldn't get a rash inside my waistband. OWB or shoulder rib. Galco leather, or a Blackhawk retention holster when in Indian Country.
You know I find it interesting that a lot of guys on here say they are to big for IWB. My father was 386lbs he carried one of two pistols both IWB. 1st was his S&W 357 magnum with a 5” barrel or his Browning 9mm pistol (don’t remember the details of this one) the only gun he’d only carry was his S&W .45 Shield.
You know I find it interesting that a lot of guys on here say they are to big for IWB. My father was 386lbs he carried one of two pistols both IWB. 1st was his S&W 357 magnum with a 5” barrel or his Browning 9mm pistol (don’t remember the details of this one) the only gun he’d only carry was his S&W .45 Shield.

Im not a particularly small guy, and I find IWB incredibly comfortable, even with full size pistols.

It’s all about finding the right holster.
I used the IWB CROSS BREED Holster for my EDC XDM 4.5" 9MM Full Size Pistol for a couple of years but found it to be uncomfortable. Now I have replaced my EDC to the HELLCAT OSP 9MM in IWB Urban Carry G3 Holster and it's very comfortable and now that it's broke-in the draw is smooth and clean no problems leather is smooth flexible & soft.
You can use the following on your leather holsters and gun belts but I used Neatsfoot Oil .
  • Neatsfoot Oil. Neatsfoot Oil is a very popular product for conditioning leather gun belts.
  • Mink Oil. Mink oil is a thick waxy oil produced from the fat of mink pelts that are destined to soften the leather
  • Saddle Soap. Saddle soap is a mild soap compound containing ingredients like glycerin
  • Olive Oil. Yes, olive oil – the stuff you cook with. It's used by leather crafters to oil leather
I've carried a full size 1911 a lot in an IWB holster, but not sure if I switched to a "double stack" if I'd still want to do IWB. What do you all carry, and how? Are "thicker" guns than the 1911 too much for all-day IWB carry?
I carry the 1911 Milspec. If you are carrying IWB you will want to also consider where and with what holster. There is nothing wrong with carrying a firearm that has a double stacked magazine and has a thicker profile. In fact, I have found that many prefer something similar in size to a G19, VP9, P10C, P320 X-COMPACT etc. It really depends on what area you find to be comfortable, the area will determine what size, clothing choices and body type can make IWB a challenge as well, and based off of how much space you have I would suggest picking what you prefer in that size. It takes some looking around to really make an educated decision. The training facility I work at allows for testing a large variety of handguns. Find a place to try before you buy. Personally I find the 1911 to be my best option. If you are leaning towards a full sized firearm, depending on the firearm you may be limited to a 5 o'clock carry. If you have a good facility near by with a good staff they should be able to help you find the best fit. Everything from firearm to holster. Hope this helped.



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My New preferred carry option is the New Springfield Armory Hell Cat OSP 9MM in the Urban Carry G3 Holster my old carry option was the Crossbreed Holster with the Full-size Springfield XDM OSP 9MM. I find the Urban Carry G3 Holster to be a little more comfortable it took a few days to get used to it but after practicing drawing and dry fire its a breeze. I conditioned the leather with Neatsfoot Oil inside and out it softened the leather and made the draw easy as well as increased comfort.
911 380 7 rnd clip IWB with a crossbreed at 4pm position, perfectly hid and easily accesible. XDm Target OWB with a Bianchi at 4pm position if I am out in the hills. The older I got the more I found that concealability is far more important than round capacity in Communist California with Gov Nuisance in charge.
SA XDe 45 cap in a Versacarry Commander. Also have a DeSantis Mini Scabbard for it as well. Also have a dbl mag pouch, so either have 21 or 28 rounds ready.
I have IWB & OWB Kydex holsters for my XDM 5.25. Depending on the pants, weight fluxuations. Will soon be getting either a Hellcat or an XD 3' to deal with size issues.
I'm always OWB, because everything I have is full-sized, and often double-stack. Indiana doesn't restrict gunowners to CC only, so this is how I roll. Largely because of work, I'm accustomed to OWB on a duty belt and retirement hasnt changed what I'm comfortable with.

I have a belly band holster for deep conceal IWB, for my XDE in .45ACP. But I very rarely use that, as I find IWB very uncomfortable. I just dont like my pistol either digging into my side or being looser inside the belt.
No matter if it's a revolver or self-loader, I carry concealed in an OWB pancake-style belt holster, positioned just behind my right hip. I've carried there for 40-some-odd-years, don't see any reason to change.
May I ask a question, instead of a reply?

I am new to concealed carry and have some questions I would like to ask.
I am a right hand dominate shooter, but I have never carried a pistol concealed.
I usually just have in the car with me. So now, I purchased a Springfield XD
Subcompact, with a double stack magazine. I like the way it fits my hand and it
shoots every time I pull the trigger. Now too the question I have; like a few older men
when we retire, I have gained some weight and carrying in the front is very
uncomfortable to me, so I have decided to carry from the back.
Do you think it is as good as from the front or should I think about carrying from another
place, namely the side or on the leg? Being right hand dominate, could I order a
left hand holster and have it to where the butt of the gun is, of course, facing the right?

Sorry for the lead-up to the question, I know I am sort of long winded.
God Bless Ya'll
May I ask a question, instead of a reply?

I am new to concealed carry and have some questions I would like to ask.
I am a right hand dominate shooter, but I have never carried a pistol concealed.
I usually just have in the car with me. So now, I purchased a Springfield XD
Subcompact, with a double stack magazine. I like the way it fits my hand and it
shoots every time I pull the trigger. Now too the question I have; like a few older men
when we retire, I have gained some weight and carrying in the front is very
uncomfortable to me, so I have decided to carry from the back.
Do you think it is as good as from the front or should I think about carrying from another
place, namely the side or on the leg? Being right hand dominate, could I order a
left hand holster and have it to where the butt of the gun is, of course, facing the right?

Sorry for the lead-up to the question, I know I am sort of long winded.
God Bless Ya'll

I’m going to guess that when you refer to carrying from the front, you mean at 1-2:00, or “appendix” carry...and yes, this can be uncomfortable for some guys with...”natural body armor”. There’s also a few other drawbacks to carrying appendix, as well—mostly safety related. It’s not something I would recommend to someone new to carry.

(And by using clock positions, consider your navel 12:00, looking down from above...)

There’s nothing wrong with carrying at 3-5:00; many people think behind the hip, or 4-4:30 position to be very comfortable. Ironically, bigger guys often find IWB-Inside the WaistBand—holsters to be more comfortable than outside the waistband (OWB) in this position.

I would discourage carrying at 6:00, otherwise know as Small Of Back (SOB). It’s a really good way to get seriously injured if you should fall—or be pushed—onto your back.

As far as crossdraw—having the pistol at the 10-11:00 position for a right hand shooter—if you like it, and it’s comfortable and you can easily reach it (that body armor can get in the way...), it’s not a bad way to carry, and has the benefit of being easily accessible when seated, like in a vehicle. Just be careful when drawing you don’t cover people on your left with the muzzle...

In short, there’s lots of options—and some may work better than others, depending on the situation. There is no singular best way to carry...and you’ll likely find as time goes on you have several different holsters to suit different needs.