
Chick-Fil-A And Repulsive Behavior

Fast-food jobs used to be considered entry level jobs for high school kids. The pay was low, the hours were long, and the working conditions could be horid. Working in such conditions taught many a high schooler the value of staying in school and studing hard so he or she wouldn't be stuck in job where many times every day they would have to utter the phrase, "I can suppersize your order for another 35 cents". Hardly a worthwhile career.
Stopped at one a long time ago out of state. Was starving and never tried before. Was not impressed and no desire to stop at one again. Few months ago one did open up close by and for weeks the lines were ridiculous to the point where the local Police had to stop and manage traffic...
Interesting part-time/temporary employment concept that seems like a flawed attempt to either circumvent the employment tax, workers comp and/or bend the IRS Independent Contractor rule.

Nuggets in lieu cash was really a bonehead idea by a shifty manager who likely will be sanctioned, but yet somehow they found people that agreed to the compensation package…once only the belly was filled, they complained.

What bugs me more is that any (most) of the drive thru ordering can be chaotic at times. These places spend more time trying to keep up with window orders (pharmacy too) than they do with those that park and walk inside to the counter.
CF got my order wrong wouldn’t answer the order squawk-box and when I reached the pay window, the wheels of progress drive up Asst. manager was dumbfounded as there were no less than 25 cars spread out in 3 lanes behind me. Says kgo park there and I’ll bring out the rest’ but this wasn’t feasible as I didn’t intend to sit in a parking lot waiting for who knows what might come - using the old ‘never send a order back to the kitchen‘ restaurant rule.

Ban Drive-thru windows for anyone under the age of 65. Lines will be shorter, traffic won't be impeded and young folks can get a little exercise walking, standing and waiting in line fiddling with their cellphone TikTok’s.
Nuggets in lieu cash was really a bonehead idea by a shifty manager who likely will be sanctioned, but yet somehow they found people that agreed to the compensation package…once only the belly was filled, they complained.
Probably a lame idea that would entice those homeless folks standing at intersections panhandling for change into a meaningful work experience and a hot meal or two a day.
Screw Chick Fil A! I never eat there anyway. I don’t know what the fascination is with a chicken sandwich. You can get them anywhere and Chick Fil A is far from the best.

Chicken…….I smell chicken……
If I understood the story correctly, these folks were not current employees 'told' to do anything. Volunteers were sought to temporarily work a new type drive through basically directing traffic, all of legal age, and were paid for their time (approximately 1 1/2 -2 hours) with food vouchers with a value of about $60.00. To me that's not a bad take for 2 hours, and especially since it was voluntary and likely had a reasonably quick effect on the issues at hand.

Now my guess is these volunteers were likely some folks who typically hang around some these type fast food places hoping/waiting for a handout. Accepting the facts were as reported, no one was harmed, several folks were fed and even had vouchers left over to sell for cash. And after the short work load those 'hang a-rounders' probably eased on back to their place of residence.

This is neither in support for nor rant against any Chicken fast food place, nor any comment on corporate if in fact the plan was instigated by the local franchisee. Time will tell whether or not corp is in support of the plan and even whether or not it will be repeated. But in any case whether or not we enjoy this particular brand is immaterial and certainly not the point of this thread.

Lastly I'll offer this ..... I can remember a time many, many years ago that I would have loved to have been offered a deal like this. I was 15 at the time and had thought my best option was to leave home. I did that and soon found it was not my best option since I was underage to do much of anything. This was a time where a little food in my belly was far more important than a few dollars to be spent on who knows what. Just to be clear it was never an issue of being on drugs, or shoplifting, or anything else illegal.

I can't find a lot of reason to fault the franchisee if all the facts are as reported, and neither can I find fault with those who for whatever reason might have been down on their luck and yet had enough character to take a menial job rather than pan handling. I'd call that morals and character. I don't know.... maybe just me?
Good point since they are closed on Sunday’s

Based on the article @10mmLife found and posted I’ll concede that this could be just one Franchise store however that still is a black eye for corporate and the franchise owner’s need to be told this behavior is unacceptable.
Maybe this owner simply saw an opportunity to help a few folks down on their luck at a bad time of year .... saw a way to feed them without involving payroll, taxes, and even the gov't or demeaning the folks needing the work. Maybe just found a way to do some good in this stinking world without harming anyone.

None of his current employees were asked to go outside in the cold and direct traffic and do anything below their pay grade. Just know there are more direct ways of getting the news than a news story. And sometimes some of us are much to quick to jump on the bandwagon and take things way out of context.
Good point since they are closed on Sunday’s

Based on the article @10mmLife found and posted I’ll concede that this could be just one Franchise store however that still is a black eye for corporate and the franchise owner’s need to be told this behavior is unacceptable.
I agree!

When you work for a company you represent their name and having a store that does anything to make the entire franchise look sour should see some sort of disciplinary action.
Maybe this owner simply saw an opportunity to help a few folks down on their luck at a bad time of year .... saw a way to feed them without involving payroll, taxes, and even the gov't or demeaning the folks needing the work. Maybe just found a way to do some good in this stinking world without harming anyone.

None of his current employees were asked to go outside in the cold and direct traffic and do anything below their pay grade. Just know there are more direct ways of getting the news than a news story. And sometimes some of us are much to quick to jump on the bandwagon and take things way out of context.
Although I respect your opinion there are laws in every state concerning earning a (living wage) wether you are an employee or a contractor and if you’ve never been involved with hiring, training and following state and federal laws when it comes to employment then those laws can be daunting and difficult to interpret and follow. Let’s be clear….

These were not adults they were juveniles just old enough to work…..
They were also put in a dangerous situation having to work in traffic also illegal for juveniles….

Multiple bad decisions.
Not commenting on this situation as I don't have enough information about what happened. I just want to point out that Chic Filet employees always seem to extremely happy to see me. They either like their jobs a whole lot or they are trying to send me a secret message to rescue them, I haven't figured out which.
Not commenting on this situation as I don't have enough information about what happened. I just want to point out that Chic Filet employees always seem to extremely happy to see me. They either like their jobs a whole lot or they are trying to send me a secret message to rescue them, I haven't figured out which.
You’re just a chick-fil-a magnet.
Get it, chick-fil-a… never mind…….
I’ll let myself out. 🤦‍♂️