
Chick-Fil-A And Repulsive Behavior

Well, I guess "bad decisions" are a lot like beauty, they're in the eye of the beholder.

Either these folks were old enough to work, or they were not. There is no maybe or grey area here. And even though I've been at high administrative levels within an organization of several thousand employees total and approximately 285 under my direct supervision, I'm not familiar with any law that prevents those "old enough to work" to not be allowed to "work in traffic", at least not in those terms and not in the 'traffic' ( a drive through) we're talking about here.

And I never argued that any of this was 'legal', what I said was that it just might have been someone trying to do some good in this stinking world today for some folks who were down and out. That in itself is reason to not involve HR, payroll, taxes, or gov't, and it certainly did not demean any person who simply might have been down and out.

I can remember a time when vagrants would come to our door and ask for a sandwich and a glass of water. I never knew my mom to turn anyone down, and imagine this ...... she didn't even have a restaurant license or a health card. Often when very young, I'd sometimes sit on the back steps with them while they ate their sandwich and listen to their stories, swearing if ever I was in a position to help out some like them I'd do whatever it took to do so. If I had been that Chick-Fil-A franchisee with a similar situation to deal with, I'd like to think I'd do exactly what I surmised he might have done.

Again, I don't know ... it might just be me!
I agree!

When you work for a company you represent their name and having a store that does anything to make the entire franchise look sour should see some sort of disciplinary action.
In the strictest terms I would agree with this, and in general do agree ..... I just hope if there's more to it than just the news reporting, corp can and will find a way to consider the real reasoning for his actions.
The first Chick-fill-A opened in my area & its been packed. I had to change my entry into the shopping area that I frequent due to the traffic. Never been to one but will try it out sometime next year.

Back in the day kids were able to work & make some $$ on farms but a certain party decided that that hard work was cruel & unusual punishment and it was better to send them a check to sit on the couch & play video games.

Thus, the situation we're in today with people making more money being on welfare rather than working.
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The first Chick-fill-A opened in my area & its been packed. I had to change my entry into the shopping area that I frequent due to the traffic. Never been to one but will try it out sometime next year.

Back in the day kids were able to work & make some $$ on farms but a certain party decided that that hard work was cruel & unusual punishment and it was better to send them a check to sit on the couch & play video games.

Thus the situation we're in today with people making more money being on welfare rather than working.

I think the major cause to kids not working any more is possibly an after effect from the mass immigration to the US the past 20 years which has transferred the jobs of the younger generation to immigrants who now work these jobs full time.

The younger generation used to work landscaping and fast food jobs all summer long but not anymore.
I think the major cause to kids not working any more is possibly an after effect from the mass immigration to the US the past 20 years has transferred the jobs of the younger generation to immigrants who now work these jobs full time.

The younger generation used to work landscaping and fast food jobs all summer long but not anymore.
And I might add the younger generation is super lazy asses
I think the major cause to kids not working any more is possibly an after effect from the mass immigration to the US the past 20 years which has transferred the jobs of the younger generation to immigrants who now work these jobs full time.

The younger generation used to work landscaping and fast food jobs all summer long but not anymore.
I work part time for a company In customer service and you won’t believe the amount of times people of the older generation will thank me for working and helping them, I’ve been with this company for a year and don’t/can’t remember the amount of young people who are hired and last a week or two and complain about how hard the job is or just stand around with their hands in their pockets and do nothing.
The younger generation is just plain lazy and want everything for nothing.

I told one young punk…
“I could be dead and still work circles around you” he left work that day and never returned.
Totally agree with a lot of the younger kids today are lazy. A friend of mine has a landscaping business. He was paying $20 bucks an hour to cut grass. He provided the equipment whether it be a lawnmower or lawn tractor and a truck to haul it to the job sites plus most of the time he bought lunch or if it was a job cutting grass at a restaurant most of the time his clients provided lunch free to the workers. I still remember my deceased Uncle telling me " I dropped out of high school at 17 and lied about my age during WW 2 and enlisted and fought the Nazi's and at that time didn't even kiss a girl yet and today I can't get an 18 year old to cut my grass".
I work part time for a company In customer service and you won’t believe the amount of times people of the older generation will thank me for working and helping them, I’ve been with this company for a year and don’t/can’t remember the amount of young people who are hired and last a week or two and complain about how hard the job is or just stand around with their hands in their pockets and do nothing.
The younger generation is just plain lazy and want everything for nothing.

I told one young punk…
“I could be dead and still work circles around you” he left work that day and never returned.
Yes and I think the younger adolescent generation not ever being in the workforce because of lack of jobs has created a weaker workforce with the kids that need to work now.

I've been in the trades for over 20 years and I've seen the change coming when I first got into the trades.

Does anyone have a clue as to why the younger generation is so lazy? Is it parenting, politics, or the social norm? Everyone can bark all day about these kids but at the end of the day it has been the generation before that has grown these kids into what everyone is complaining about.

I have seen a sudden shift in the workforce recently where there are a lot more young co-op kids coming into the trades hungry for work unlike the millennial generation before them.
I think the major cause to kids not working any more is possibly an after effect from the mass immigration to the US the past 20 years which has transferred the jobs of the younger generation to immigrants who now work these jobs full time.

The younger generation used to work landscaping and fast food jobs all summer long but not anymore.
I think that's got a lot to do with it...... but it seems there's just no work ethic in kids anymore. Almost like they just don't want to take on any responsibility for anything. Not all of them, but a large percentage.
I think that's got a lot to do with it...... but it seems there's just no work ethic in kids anymore. Almost like they just don't want to take on any responsibility for anything. Not all of them, but a large percentage.

There's always more to the story as in cause & effect. Some of this we are starting to see now.

Yes and I think the younger adolescent generation not ever being in the workforce because of lack of jobs has created a weaker workforce with the kids that need to work now.

I've been in the trades for over 20 years and I've seen the change coming when I first got into the trades.

Does anyone have a clue as to why the younger generation is so lazy? Is it parenting, politics, or the social norm? Everyone can bark all day about these kids but at the end of the day it has been the generation before that has grown these kids into what everyone is complaining about.

I have seen a sudden shift in the workforce recently where there are a lot more young co-op kids coming into the trades hungry for work unlike the millennial generation before them.
Pretty sure the ancient Egyptians complained about how lazy the youngest generation was, too…
Pretty sure the ancient Egyptians complained about how lazy the youngest generation was, too…
LOL! This may be true but I don't think they ever complained about the 'Greatest' or the 'Boomer' or before generations ........... may have started pretty soon after those but who knows. I don't fully understand the names of all the gens .... like Millinials, Gen X'rs, Gen Y'rs, etc. In my family I know when it really started for sure and I should have pinched the little 'focker's' head off!!

I can't claim that little tidbit as my own, it came from my grandaddy. One of his favorite sayings when around a kid with little to no effort or was displaying bad behavior was ..................... Up until they're about 8-10 they're easy to love, but once they pass 10 they should all have their heads pinched off!!! LOL!
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