yeah at my club, we have to get the dues in by the due date. otherwise, or key fob gets shut off, then it's a $50 charge to reactivate it, on top of the dues owed.
i cannot say exactly how many members they have, but i do know, LEO's current and retired, lawyers, doctors, and other white collar people are members, with us blue collar types.
when i go there, it's like about 7 to 8 AM, and i usually stay about an hour, or until i run out of ammo.. then i sweep up my mess, check over and over that everything is secured, turn off the lights, and ski-daddle..
never (usually) anyone else there when i am, but it does happen, every once in a blue moon.
that's why i like the place, about 8 minutes from the house, no waiting time for it to open, only restrictions are never any magnums, no matter the caliber, and never any rifles.....
the range is maybe about (guessing) 45 feet long, so also no NRA/CCW qualifications, as that here, by RI rules, must be done at 25 yards (75 feet), so hence, the public range for that, plus anything up to 50 BMG