
Could martial law happen?

I read it, the guy makes some interesting points. Your question started with Could, so yes I think it Could happen by various scenarios. I don't think we are close yet, sure hope not. Interesting that he says in both of his scenarios that the Martial law would be enforced by non US citizens who gain citizenship by joining the military with an aim towards enacting said Martial Law... Interesting to me that a large amount of the folks coming over the border are military age men who look exactly like the paid military persons used by much of the rest of the world.
i never heard of that site, but interesting article.
both options the author offers are not good. i agree with the author that the the balance between freedom and tyranny rests upon razor. at this point in time believe it could fall in either direction.
he makes good points about the open borders and the further dilution of american culture (whatever that is nowadays i do not know). i found it interesting, and disturbing, the mention of bestowing citizenship to illegals who join the military. under martial law this would effectively put an army of illegals, with no ties to america, in charge of actual americans. i don't think that would go over so well.
hopefully this is nothing more than a thought exercise.
i never heard of that site, but interesting article.
both options the author offers are not good. i agree with the author that the the balance between freedom and tyranny rests upon razor. at this point in time believe it could fall in either direction.
he makes good points about the open borders and the further dilution of american culture (whatever that is nowadays i do not know). i found it interesting, and disturbing, the mention of bestowing citizenship to illegals who join the military. under martial law this would effectively put an army of illegals, with no ties to america, in charge of actual americans. i don't think that would go over so well.
hopefully this is nothing more than a thought exercise.
IMO if they are to join the military send them all overseas and bring the Real Americans home to defend our own country.
Well it would certainly have to be federal. And since many places would not cooperate with the feds and would not implement Marshall law on their own, the feds would have a hard time enforcing it nationwide.
Well, if it is "the Law", people are going to quickly realize what the "L" in LEO means, and that ain't defending their rights, it will be kicking the non-compliant in the teeth. Just go back 2 years and see how much abuse was perpetrated around the world in the name of a "mandate", not even a law ;)
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