
Daffy Zone…..

I call Bull 5hit

He didn't 'pick up' the dog. The dog jumped into his arms.

Anyways, my wife works in German Shepherd Rescue. I hope she hasn't seen this yet, because she'll like it even more than I did.

I'll give the guy credit for picking up the dog, though. Only a jerk would even think about insinuating otherwise.
"And that's the way it is,.... (insert date here)"

Ahh, some childhood memories....I can't find my car keys, but I can remember what Walter Conkite said sixty years ago.....
Yeah, like jumping the shark and being the first saying the Vietnam War was "unwinnable" when we were kicking slant ass from Saigon to Hanoi. He singlehandedly screwed domestic morale! He deserves a special place in hell next to Hanoi Jane Fonda for doing the bidding of the CIA (Operation Mockingbird) and the globalist elites. :mad: