
Daffy Zone…..

Look what else is back in schools in Arkansas:
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They're probably following the lead of Eastern European nations that recently started training students - and they're making the classes MANDATORY. As an ROTC rifle team Distinguished Expert shooter, that's a policy I can really stand behind! As I understand it, aside from Switzerland always having offered youth shooting education & competitions (a rifle range in every town & hamlet), Poland is the first EU country to do this. Bulgaria is apparently about to do the same, and some rumors are Hungary might as well. Russia is definitely getting students started early on firearms and one could say this is Putin showing his hand about Russia's future actions...

I'm waiting for Israel to stop playing cutesy with terrorists and start training their middle & high school students too. Lord knows, they really need their people to be firearms proficient long before they begin their mandatory military service, so more time can be devoted to advanced soldier skills. Teachers in Israel are armed (why aren't we?) and the October 7 attacks prove yet again that an armed and ready populace is necessary everywhere in the world. Truth told, no one anywhere can afford to be not armed!

teach_safety_6113web.jpgIsraeli_teachers-uzi.jpgGuns Aren't the Problem - Communists Are [Gun Safety] [Kids in school] education.pngAir assault Israel Red Dawn.png

Anomaly - RKBA.pngBitterClingers-J.jpg

We now return to our regularly scheduled shits & giggles.
They're probably following the lead of Eastern European nations that recently started training students - and they're making the classes MANDATORY. As an ROTC rifle team Distinguished Expert shooter, that's a policy I can really stand behind! As I understand it, aside from Switzerland always having offered youth shooting education & competitions (a rifle range in every town & hamlet), Poland is the first EU country to do this. Bulgaria is apparently about to do the same, and some rumors are Hungary might as well. Russia is definitely getting students started early on firearms and one could say this is Putin showing his hand about Russia's future actions...

I'm waiting for Israel to stop playing cutesy with terrorists and start training their middle & high school students too. Lord knows, they really need their people to be firearms proficient long before they begin their mandatory military service, so more time can be devoted to advanced soldier skills. Teachers in Israel are armed (why aren't we?) and the October 7 attacks prove yet again that an armed and ready populace is necessary everywhere in the world. Truth told, no one anywhere can afford to be not armed!

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We now return to our regularly scheduled shits & giggles.
Its all fun and games till someone giggles and shits 😉🙂