
Daffy Zone…..

Small mom & pop grocery store in the next town. Public bathrooms in the back, signs leading to men's room & ladies room. I had to take a leak, men's room door closed and lights out. I opened the door enough to hit the light switch right inside the door. My hand hit something cold and wet. It was poop 💩 someone plugged the toilet & smeared 💩 all over the walls, ceiling and floor. I went in the ladies room, cleaned up and went to find the manager. I told him what I found, he acted like he didn't really believe me. I walked back with him and he was in shock. The only clean spot was the sink. Which told me the person didn't even wash their hands and continued shopping in the store, touching everything. I left & went to a different store. This taught me to always open the door wide and look around before entering or touching anything.
Small mom & pop grocery store in the next town. Public bathrooms in the back, signs leading to men's room & ladies room. I had to take a leak, men's room door closed and lights out. I opened the door enough to hit the light switch right inside the door. My hand hit something cold and wet. It was poop 💩 someone plugged the toilet & smeared 💩 all over the walls, ceiling and floor. I went in the ladies room, cleaned up and went to find the manager. I told him what I found, he acted like he didn't really believe me. I walked back with him and he was in shock. The only clean spot was the sink. Which told me the person didn't even wash their hands and continued shopping in the store, touching everything. I left & went to a different store. This taught me to always open the door wide and look around before entering or touching anything.
Coprophilia is a real mental disorder. I ran across a couple of the sick bastards in my career and the depth of depravity is bottomless. Chuck Barry was a crap fetish. Then there was Johnny Depp's ex. I learned the hard way from a supervisor when I was a rookie, if you arrest one of these sickos, stick them in someone else's cruiser for transport.