That reminds me. Many years ago I did an internship with health department. I was with a Restaurant Inspector at a Chinese buffet in Havelock , NC. We were in the walk in cooler , fridge and a live cock roach the size of a matchbox car ran across the floor and over the top of the inspectors foot.I used to be a commercial property appraiser supervisor that had a small staff. One day one of the guys came back to the office to report what he had listed that morning. He said he picked up a building with two suites, one a veterinary office and the other a Chinese restaurant. He said the sign outside said, "Yesterday's tragedy is today's blue plate special."
Honest to God, I couldn't stop laughing.
The owner who was walking through with us looked at the inspector and said “ It’s ok, he no in food, he just woking outside. ”
I saw some pretty disgusting stuff that summer and to this day I still won’t eat at an Applebees or IHOP.