funny story thursday about pants, weight, hamburgers and the like
i had my annual doctor visit at VA. the nurse always takes my weight on this platform and never ever gets it right
i wear heavy jeans, belt, 2 shirts, and heavy shoes. which weigh over 6 lbs
So Thursday, she motions for me to step up and i stop and say turn away as i am dropping my pants, one shirt, and both shoes.....
the nurse laughs and do what you need to do with a smile.
so shoes get tossed off, pants drop and i step out, then remove my heavy cotton top shirt.
I am standing there in a t shirt, boxers and socks, i could have been a model ...

anywho..226 , (down from 255 in august) was the number, i lost a whole pound since i left the house
i thought about a double meat whataburger as i was putting my pants back on..