
Daffy Zone…..

Occasionally my wife and I do just that ... although not always intentionally. There was this time when we were lollygagging around the mall, I was getting tired of it, so I told the wife I was going on ahead a little so she could take her time and do all the 'shopping/looking' she wanted. After about a 1/2 hour she called my cell phone and asked where I was, so I told her ... I said honey, do you remember way back just before we got married and we were out looking for wedding rings, and remember we finally found some you really, really liked but we knew we couldn't afford them? Quietly she answered yes, I remember that. But you wanted them so really bad that I promised you one day I'd get them for you? She was sounding a little tense when she answered yes, I remember those rings. Then I said 'Honey, do you remember that little jewelry store in the mall where we saw those rings? Excited she replied, Yes, Yes, I remember that little store. So I said well, I'm in the gun store directly across the mall from there.

And that's when the fight started!!!!!!!! :oops::confused::(