
Daffy Zone…..

Having lived in and around Memphis my whole life, I can attest that this is absolutely true. The cooking grease is over 100 years old. I have eaten there.
These deep fried hamburgers do indeed have a unique and delicious flavor. Nothing else quite like them.
But, be aware, they also tend to cause diarrhea. :rolleyes:
sad to say, that in my long career as a trucker, and being to all lower 48 states, i was mostly relegated to truck stops, and an occasional diner if one was with-in a short distance of a customer's location....or a company terminal where i had to switch out at, or bed down at.

so the only "samplings" of many foods all across this nation, had to be on truck stop menus, and many were.

as it is, truck stop food can give one......food poisoning, explosive diarrhea, and rabid thirst.....

so given at least those options, available to me at the time, i guess i didn't miss much..???