
Good boy eats out bear | This is so disturbing | By Bogan CoinFacebook
This is so disturbing
ever notice the original star trek they wore ALOT of makeup
Sorry 'bout that ... my mistake on the sq '. But he still took his part it seems!!! LOL! LOL!I think it’s 481 sq ft.
Yes it is ... and a mighty fine DECK it is too!!!That's still a big DECK to brag about.
Well yeh, but since those days we've all breathed up a lot of it and made it more scarce!!!
All huffy 'n' all ... like at their age they ain't never spanked one!!! They ain't foolin' this ol' coot!!!
Oh hell yeh, I like those rear ends that devour thongs!!! LOL!
Now, there's a "giggle"!!!
I'm pretty sure I'm married to the author of this!!! Oh yeh, oh yeh!!! LOL! But don't tell her I said that!