
Daffy Zone…..

I recently spent $6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull.
I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow.
I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth.
Anyway......I had the Vet come and take a look at him.
He said,, the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.
The bull started to servce the cows within two days……. all my cows!
He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neghbor's cows!
He's like a machine!
I don't know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ... but they kind of taste like peppermint.
I recently spent $6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull.
I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow.
I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth.
Anyway......I had the Vet come and take a look at him.
He said,, the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.
The bull started to servce the cows within two days……. all my cows!
He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neghbor's cows!
He's like a machine!
I don't know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ... but they kind of taste like peppermint.
can i have a sample of those pills..??
That right there is what 'smoking'/BBQ'ing is all about. Once you put a butt, chix or some ribs on, there's really not a lot to do but wait because smoking does take a long time. However, if you have a group of friends over, about every 1/2 hr you must walk over to the smoker and very quickly lift the lid a slight amount and pretend to take a good look at the meat that's cooking. Then, really impress them by nodding your head affirmatively and opening the fire box door and poking a stick or small shovel in to the bed of coals, stir them a little then close the box up ... then as you're walking back to the crowd sitting around watching you mumble something about "yeh, that's lookin' jus' right, we're good for another 1/2 hr or so."

Two things you must do to impress them ... 1st, only open the cook chamber lid a very small amount and take a very quick look ... they'll be impressed by how quickly you observed all you needed to see so quickly and just accept that you're are indeed a pro. Then when you get back to the crowd, settle back into your chair with a smug look on your face just like you know exactly what you're doing with a sly smile!!!! Oh and 2nd, don't forget to ask someone to 'here, hold my beer' before you walk over to the cooker. That really doesn't have anything to do with the cooking, but it gets everyone's attention to watch you while you're going through the other motions and looking so good!!!! ;):ROFLMAO: