Sure beats the hell out of that so-called 'break dancing', or 'breaking' I tried to watch at the Olympics!!! And I can't believe the highest score showing at the table here is only an '8'. I'd give a 10 just for the costume!!!
But what a way to go!!!I bet she could commit murder just by hugging you!
Boy, definitely got to agree with this!!! Or they could do with a little lesser than a $3000 cell phone and $1200 monthly contract. Or maybe that 75" big screen smart TV with the $2500 surround sound system. Oh, and don't forget the $800 autographed sneakers. Now, I know some of today's young people don't go to these extremes, but a lot do and then complain they can't afford to move out of mama's basement. I'll help all I can those who live with a little less excess than an $8 cup of "Starbuck's" coffee.
Several of those I pass in Oklahoma on way to U of Ark.