
Daffy Zone…..

Over the years at two different locations where I was tech support, I actually got two calls from workers their coffee Cup holder was broken.
When I actually saw what they were talking about, I would ask, do you use the button to close your coffee cup holder or just push it with your hand? They both answered with their hands.
I then told them you broke it by using your hand and not the button.
I also told them, if you need it, submit a work order and then explain how you broke it.
To my knowledge, neither submitted a work order to repair their coffee cup holder they broke.
my state and i am sure others as well, replace some overpasses/bridges in one weekend..(usually it starts on a friday night....the replacement is built on site, then hoisted into place. traffic can flow again come monday morning

In my state that would take 2 years!
In my state that would take 2 years!
here, this is a new system for shorter bridges/over passes. to get a road open quicker.

we do need a totally new replacement bridge, that might take at least 4 years to build.

that one is over water, and to me, i'd like to see them build sections on barges, then lift them into place like in this video.

anything can be done, but at what cost?