
Feeling nostalgic

There is still a Mugs Up in Columbia. Chili buns were 40 cents when I was in college. They are still in KC as well. Guaranteed to generate enough gas to drive to Pittsburg.


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we had not only Mc Donalds but also Burger Chef, later to be bought out by the Burger KIng company
yes, burgers were around 20¢, fries were cheap too (cannot recall the pricings) the burgers were cooked well, and were not assembled like crap.

always fast service, but no dine-in seating area as i recall, till later years

milk shakes were also super thick at Mc Donalds

if it weren't for what happens to me when i have milk..??

i'd down 2 of them right now
here is a pic of the Burger Chef...later to be sold to Hardee's , not Burger King like i originally thought.

apparently General Foods owned the Burger Chef places. now Kraft owns the former General Foods

Got me there KillerFord. Before I was married and still swimming in the dating pool I had a rule never to date a girl that had let herself go like I had! That and never date a woman old enough to be my wife.