
Feeling nostalgic

Hard to believe but I remember. 65 years ago I rode my bike 4 miles into town to go to MacDonalds with a dollar in my pocket. I think burgers were around $ ,20 at the time. Fries were .15. The price list below was around my first year in the Air Force when my monthly pay was less than $100
Joined Army in 1964 Pvt E-1 $78.00, E-2 $85.00, E-3 $99.00, E-4 $122.00
we had not only Mc Donalds but also Burger Chef, later to be bought out by the Burger KIng company
yes, burgers were around 20¢, fries were cheap too (cannot recall the pricings) the burgers were cooked well, and were not assembled like crap.

always fast service, but no dine-in seating area as i recall, till later years

milk shakes were also super thick at Mc Donalds

if it weren't for what happens to me when i have milk..??

i'd down 2 of them right now
here is a pic of the Burger Chef...later to be sold to Hardee's , not Burger King like i originally thought.

apparently General Foods owned the Burger Chef places. now Kraft owns the former General Foods

here is a pic of the Burger Chef...later to be sold to Hardee's , not Burger King like i originally thought.

apparently General Foods owned the Burger Chef places. now Kraft owns the former General Foods

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As a kid, there was a Burger Chef just a few blocks from my house. Easy walking distance. I remember them regularly running a special of 5 burgers for $1.00. Being a broke teenager, I ate there a lot. ;)