Got to the range today and put 50 rds of FMJ and 45 rds of HP through it. This is the first time I’ve got defensive rounds to run trouble free. I used 135gr Federal HST and 115 gr Hornady Critical Defense. I did have a small hiccup though. I mounted a Vortex Viper and it wasn’t until I got to the range that I realized that there are two set screws on the end of the red dot that you have to “unlock” in order to manipulate the elevation and windage screws. Well guess what happens when you install the dot on a plate that has the rear sight on it? So I had to take the dot off the gun and unlock the locking screws and screw the dot back on with the stupid T10 key that comes with the dot and then I realize the battery fell out the bottom and do it all again. So whatever blue loctite I put on the screws is fried and now I have no way of locking the set screws and I don’t know if the zero will drift as it gets used. Now the good news - with the Viper zeroed the Prodigy was ridiculously accurate. Easily as much so as my 226 Legion, which is as high a praise as I can lavish on a gun. I cleaned it and lubed it this week. It has 630 rounds through it and I’ve cleaned it at least 3 times after the initial clean. I’ve been using TW25 grease on the rails and this gun likes lube. The red dot had no impact on the slide reciprocating and the gun did not feel the least bit sluggish. I’m going to leave the 12lb recoil spring in. I’m ready to declare this gun a Monster! I’m seriously thinking about picking up the 4.25 in version as well.