If it’s a private seller it’s used. I don’t care if he says BNIB. it has left a store, it’s used. You go buy a gun leave the said store and turn around 2min later and go try and sale it back to them saying unfired. Good luck with that. I know we have our own opinions. Even if I bought and sold every week and profited, sold my guns for more than they are worth, a 500.00 Glock for 700.00 then bought a Ruger LCP for 200.00 a buddy liked it and said he’d give me 300.00 for it and then bought a 500.00 rifle and sold it for 675.00 because I “didn’t like it” that’s what I’m saying. Not sitting in my basement making a living out of it but yet still profiting off of Glock, Ruger, Colt, ect. This guy that is wanting 2500.00 is a joke.