

If it’s a private seller it’s used. I don’t care if he says BNIB. it has left a store, it’s used. You go buy a gun leave the said store and turn around 2min later and go try and sale it back to them saying unfired. Good luck with that. I know we have our own opinions. Even if I bought and sold every week and profited, sold my guns for more than they are worth, a 500.00 Glock for 700.00 then bought a Ruger LCP for 200.00 a buddy liked it and said he’d give me 300.00 for it and then bought a 500.00 rifle and sold it for 675.00 because I “didn’t like it” that’s what I’m saying. Not sitting in my basement making a living out of it but yet still profiting off of Glock, Ruger, Colt, ect. This guy that is wanting 2500.00 is a joke.
I get what you guys are saying. As I stated, I get supply and demand. My ***** is, we're gun owners with a common interest. I kinda like to think we're in this together. I'm all for making a buck. A grand over MSRP ?!?! I hope he has to sit on it for quite a while. The problem is, some gullible sap will buy it and encourage this jag-bag to do it again. If I sold a piece, it would be at or around what I paid. I wouldn't try to retire off a single sale. A little over or under what they're selling for is fair. Not claiming to be holier than thou, just don't think screwing your fellow gun owner is right. Whether it's guns, ammo, tools or vehicles, I just don't agree with breaking it off in someone's backside.
☝️☝️Yeah what he said☝️☝️
That will be the people gouging others and whining when it happens too them! Guns, cars and fuel gouging= eat:poop:! When it comes to food( human and animal) gouging=GTFO! I live for fair trade and honesty! I know several people who are about screw you, but not me! Notice there was no question mark at the end of the last sentence! Those people need too be politicians!
I get what you guys are saying. As I stated, I get supply and demand. My ***** is, we're gun owners with a common interest. I kinda like to think we're in this together. I'm all for making a buck. A grand over MSRP ?!?! I hope he has to sit on it for quite a while. The problem is, some gullible sap will buy it and encourage this jag-bag to do it again. If I sold a piece, it would be at or around what I paid. I wouldn't try to retire off a single sale. A little over or under what they're selling for is fair. Not claiming to be holier than thou, just don't think screwing your fellow gun owner is right. Whether it's guns, ammo, tools or vehicles, I just don't agree with breaking it off in someone's backside.

Ok...so, let me ask you something.

I've got more than a few guns that have, due to various factors, appreciated considerably in the time I’ve owned them.

For example—a 4” Stainless Python; I bought it, used, in 2003 for around $700 (a fair price at the time). If I wanted to sell it now...it’s gonna bring 3-4 times that, easy...probably close to a grand more than the new Pythons are going for. Am I gouging? Do I need to sell it for less than I paid for it? Or if I sell it for market value, am I a, in your words, “jag-bag”? Because I’ve got another one that I bought right when Python prices started to rise, and I read the writing on the wall...that one I paid $1k for...and I’ve had it for about 10 years, now. If I sell it for market value, or a littLe bit more...am I taking advantage?

Final point: turn the gun into “real estate”...would the seller be a bad guy, or a savvy investor?
You make a good point. But we're not talking about a premium snake gun or investment property or documented WWII garands . We're talking about tools, a weapon is nothing more than a tool. I don't suspect that there would ever be a run on tools (people don't like to work) I look at guns as heirlooms or, what I'm passing to my daughter. I don't see them as investments or a way to profit off my ally in arms.
I guess we just disagree, on this at least. I don't think we (gunowners) should be gouging one another for a fast buck. Not when we should all be standing together in solidarity against tyranny.
Does this mean gun shops shouldn't be profitable? No! They should operate and maintain their profits and grow their business. I'm just b!tchin about the guy who'd rip off his brother for 13 pieces! That's just one guys honest opinion. Mine. I respect the differing opinions shared here. That's the difference between us and them. We're having a spirited discussion, we're being respectful. No ones burning any businesses or homes, nothing getting looted. We have more in common than we think. I'd like to keep it that way.
Maybe, if we were all in a boat, we'd all row towards a common goal. But since we're not in this 'boat' , we figure it's ok to be everyone for themselves.
You make a good point. But we're not talking about a premium snake gun or investment property or documented WWII garands . We're talking about tools, a weapon is nothing more than a tool. I don't suspect that there would ever be a run on tools (people don't like to work) I look at guns as heirlooms or, what I'm passing to my daughter. I don't see them as investments or a way to profit off my ally in arms.
I guess we just disagree, on this at least. I don't think we (gunowners) should be gouging one another for a fast buck. Not when we should all be standing together in solidarity against tyranny.
Does this mean gun shops shouldn't be profitable? No! They should operate and maintain their profits and grow their business. I'm just b!tchin about the guy who'd rip off his brother for 13 pieces! That's just one guys honest opinion. Mine. I respect the differing opinions shared here. That's the difference between us and them. We're having a spirited discussion, we're being respectful. No ones burning any businesses or homes, nothing getting looted. We have more in common than we think. I'd like to keep it that way.
Maybe, if we were all in a boat, we'd all row towards a common goal. But since we're not in this 'boat' , we figure it's ok to be everyone for themselves.

And this is where I go back to my “guns are special” comment I made earlier.

You mention tools; to expand on that analogy, when you say sure, it's ok for a classic gun...but not this a modern one, what you’re saying is “it's ok to sell a hammer for a profit—but not a screwdriver”.

They are all just tools. Just metal, plastic and/or wood.

Just another commodity.
And this is where I go back to my “guns are special” comment I made earlier.

You mention tools; to expand on that analogy, when you say sure, it's ok for a classic gun...but not this a modern one, what you’re saying is “it's ok to sell a hammer for a profit—but not a screwdriver”.

They are all just tools. Just metal, plastic and/or wood.

Just another commodity.
Just don't buy if you don't like the price made easy! Fair has nothing too do with it! Can't compare a 40 year old gun too a new one in price when the new 1 is 2x msrp!
Let me put it this way, and I'll leave it at that. I don't know any of you folks. We are just members having a discussion on a message board. That said, I consider us all "in the same boat" I want to continue to ride the Trump train. I was/am enjoying the prosperity brought about by this president's unwillingness to bow to any other. America is the greatest nation on earth, bar none. You all have your opinion which is your right to express as I am mine. I, personally would not try to gouge any of you for something i had, that you desired. If it is negotiable, then so be it. Just like my labor. I'm not giving it away, yet i won't overcharge because someone is in a bind. I charge fairly. That's how I feel we should regard one another. That's all I'm trying to express. This is akin to the gouging taking place post slime bill. Suddenly a cast receiver POS AR15 is worth $2k cuz it was born before 1994. When prior to, it was $99 worth of worn out parts. I respect capitalism, I don't appreciate taking advantage of folks who aren't quite as sharp as others.
Let me put it this way, and I'll leave it at that. I don't know any of you folks. We are just members having a discussion on a message board. That said, I consider us all "in the same boat" I want to continue to ride the Trump train. I was/am enjoying the prosperity brought about by this president's unwillingness to bow to any other. America is the greatest nation on earth, bar none. You all have your opinion which is your right to express as I am mine. I, personally would not try to gouge any of you for something i had, that you desired. If it is negotiable, then so be it. Just like my labor. I'm not giving it away, yet i won't overcharge because someone is in a bind. I charge fairly. That's how I feel we should regard one another. That's all I'm trying to express. This is akin to the gouging taking place post slime bill. Suddenly a cast receiver POS AR15 is worth $2k cuz it was born before 1994. When prior to, it was $99 worth of worn out parts. I respect capitalism, I don't appreciate taking advantage of folks who aren't quite as sharp as others.
I agree! Taking advantage of someone in a bind has no place! Several years ago when there were devastating fires that ranchers lost pasture, commodities and livestock I donated a portion of my hay too feed their livestock! I could've taken advantage and gouged them, but that's not how I operate! Capitalism is fine, but at what price for your soul?
Let me put it this way, and I'll leave it at that. I don't know any of you folks. We are just members having a discussion on a message board. That said, I consider us all "in the same boat" I want to continue to ride the Trump train. I was/am enjoying the prosperity brought about by this president's unwillingness to bow to any other. America is the greatest nation on earth, bar none. You all have your opinion which is your right to express as I am mine. I, personally would not try to gouge any of you for something i had, that you desired. If it is negotiable, then so be it. Just like my labor. I'm not giving it away, yet i won't overcharge because someone is in a bind. I charge fairly. That's how I feel we should regard one another. That's all I'm trying to express. This is akin to the gouging taking place post slime bill. Suddenly a cast receiver POS AR15 is worth $2k cuz it was born before 1994. When prior to, it was $99 worth of worn out parts. I respect capitalism, I don't appreciate taking advantage of folks who aren't quite as sharp as others.
I agree! Taking advantage of someone in a bind has no place! Several years ago when there were devastating fires that ranchers lost pasture, commodities and livestock I donated a portion of my hay too feed their livestock! I could've taken advantage and gouged them, but that's not how I operate! Capitalism is fine, but at what price for your soul?
Exactly ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Late to the party, but let me add this...nearly everyone on the page agrees that the asking price is outrageous. A person can list a product for sale at literally, “any price they want”. That doesn’t mean that a sale must take place at that price. It requires more than someone overpricing a gun for sale (or anything else), it requires a willing buyer, interested in paying that price. That gun can sit, and maybe will sit, for a decade before someone comes along that has the desire, and the cash, to turn the listing into a sale.

This is no different that any market...any product. Willing seller and willing buyer meeting at the same time and price point. I’ve seen cars, houses, land, stocks (I’m a broker), and dozens of other products sit, gathering dust, until the conditions of a sale are met.

Keep in mind the saying is Caveat Emptor...let the buyer beware.

The opposite...caveat venditor...let the seller beware....never made it into common English use.
Well I hope your adoptive parents were good!
They are both gone now but they were the best. I lost my sister last month to a drunk driver. She never married or had children so I was in Connecticut for a few weeks dealing with that. I have two boys to carry on the name.