
Gun Control May 17

Bob, those state senators that went out of their way to fail and pass LB 773 do not represent the common folks in Nebraska. Just take as look at ben sass (no not misspelled. I refuse to capitalize his name.) I promiced him I would never vote for that rino again. There are a lot of really great folks in Nebraska. Unfortunately the senate decided to let Omaha and Lincoln decide for all us. The great folks that are officers in our area are all for conceal carry. They know they are limited in their ability to be all they want to be to protect us. Nine eleven in our area takes at the best response time 15 to 30 minutes to respond to a call. And they have told me they feel a lot better knowing that us folks will be their to aid them if they call on us. Love those boys in blue.
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As they say, one more thing. I have followed this thread with great interest and see a lot about rifle verses pistol in a fight. A law I absolutely believe in conceal carry: NEVER pull your gun to try and defuse a situation. NEVER show your gun unless you are going to use it. DON'T EVER pause. SHOOT the second you pull it. DON'T ever shoot once. Empty your mag. Overkill ?? You bet. I want my voice to be the only one speaking. Rifle verses pistol ? Out to 100 yds no contest. Rifle wins. Inside a store or on the road at close quarters it only depends on your desire to fight and win.
As they say, one more thing. I have followed this thread with great interest and see a lot about rifle verses pistol in a fight. A law I absolutely believe in conceal carry: NEVER pull your gun to try and defuse a situation. NEVER show your gun unless you are going to use it. DON'T EVER pause. SHOOT the second you pull it. DON'T ever shoot once. Empty your mag. Overkill ?? You bet. I want my voice to be the only one speaking. Rifle verses pistol ? Out to 100 yds no contest. Rifle wins. Inside a store or on the road at close quarters it only depends on your desire to fight and win.
“Empty the mag” will get you prosecuted PDQ as well…your first few shots put them on the ground, but you still put 10+ more into them after they were down? Good luck with that…that’s called an execution, not defense.

You shoot until the threat ceases…then you stop.
My friends in law enforcement encourages it. After all they will be the investigating officers. I feel sorry for you if you haven't become friends with the folks that patrol your area. Love Rural Nebraska. "How many times did you shoot?" "I don't know I was to scared to count"
As they say, one more thing. I have followed this thread with great interest and see a lot about rifle verses pistol in a fight. A law I absolutely believe in conceal carry: NEVER pull your gun to try and defuse a situation. NEVER show your gun unless you are going to use it. DON'T EVER pause. SHOOT the second you pull it. DON'T ever shoot once. Empty your mag. Overkill ?? You bet. I want my voice to be the only one speaking. Rifle verses pistol ? Out to 100 yds no contest. Rifle wins. Inside a store or on the road at close quarters it only depends on your desire to fight and win.
The rapid accurate target acquisition that can be made with a two handed weapon (rifle) vs one handed weapon (pistol) is not even close when it comes to regular untrained civilian's in a gunfight.

Also most self defense common caliber pistols have limited instant stopping power and a major lack of barrier penetration.

Speed defeats barriers & armor and the speed to do it isn't found in most common carry calibers but it is found in most common center-fire rifle calibers.

There's a major reason professional door kickers use two handed weapons and not double stack pistols when clearing an objective.
My friends in law enforcement encourages it. After all they will be the investigating officers. I feel sorry for you if you haven't become friends with the folks that patrol your area. Love Rural Nebraska.
The only way this logic makes sense is if the violent criminal still poses an immediate threat after the initial shots on target fail to stop the threat. An example would be, the continued pointing of a firearm at innocent people or the continued life threatening/bodily harm attack on an innocent person.

Don't believe everything you're told or you maybe gambling with your personal freedom. No matter the source, facts can be misquoted or misunderstood.
My friends in law enforcement encourages it. After all they will be the investigating officers. I feel sorry for you if you haven't become friends with the folks that patrol your area. Love Rural Nebraska. "How many times did you shoot?" "I don't know I was to scared to count"
They won't be the ones deciding if you will be charged and with what though.

Another consideration with the "Empty the mag" mindset is now you are effectively carrying a pretty rock. Hope the threat doesn't have a friend lying in wait.
I don't have much trouble handeling a gun. I shot the M-1 and 45 on the navy team. Learned as a young man in Western North Caroling. Grew up with a 12 ga. and 22. alot of squirrels and rabbits baged. I never shot one of those animals i never felt for. Taking a life is serious thing. Rabbit squirrel or man. do it right and clean. And respect them. Don't ever think I would pause even a minute to shoot.
Bob, Yes they will. Told me they would be the investigators and it would be reported as self defense. No charges.
They won't be the ones deciding if you will be charged and with what though.

Another consideration with the "Empty the mag" mindset is now you are effectively carrying a pretty rock. Hope the threat doesn't have a friend lying in wait.
I always carry three mags.
My friends in law enforcement encourages it. After all they will be the investigating officers. I feel sorry for you if you haven't become friends with the folks that patrol your area. Love Rural Nebraska. "How many times did you shoot?" "I don't know I was to scared to count"
Just because your corrupt cop buddies will let you get away with it doesn’t mean it’s illegal…