^ This^check the second hand market. Lots of folks out there that don’t want to move theirs either. I would get a larger one to grow into since you are already on a slab. When it comes time to move , two men and a truck. They got the big uglies that are up for the challenge.
Tractor Supply?If you have a Tracker Supply close they also have nice fire rated safes at good prices.
I have one. Fire and flood rated. 5 pins. Pretty big. I paid under $500 for it. It won't keep a determined thief with a circular saw and at least a half hour they can make a lot of noise out, if they can find it, but that's not really something I have to worry too much about. Besides, the good stuff is in a different safe they will never find, even with all the time in the world.Tractor Supply?
Never heard of Tracker Supply.
I just read that Tractor Supply is the largest seller of gun safes by volume in the USA, seems strange.
If you have a Tracker Supply close they also have nice fire rated safes at good prices.
Browning, Ft Knox are both very good. As an aside, if you think you’ll bemoving in the future, a Zanotti modular is tough to beat. My son’s a (now retired) career Marine. He moved a lot and bought a Zanotti years ago to take with him. He’d knock it down, move, and then reassemble it on his own-a LOT easier to move than a traditional safeI've been putting this off for awhile now, but me and my g/f closed on a house yesterday so now that I
1. Have the space, and
2. Will have people coming from all over to visit us since we can put them up, Have the need for one.
I do not have nearly as many firearms as alot of you guys here, so I do not need a giant safe. One to fit maybe 3-5 long guns and a few handguns / ammo / important documents should suffice.
I've dealt with alot of safe companies / manufacturers in the past as I used to run a locksmith & door company back in NYC, but I am curious as to what you guys use, who you prefer, and so on. Lay it on me fellas. As always, much appreciated.