
Hellcat and Red dot

From what I have read and seen on YouTube to mount on the Hellcat you have to mill down the front posts and the rear posts. Some people have filed them down manually. Holosun claims that it does not prevent one from using any other Red Dot such as the RMSc or Sig Romeo Zero. How it effects the warranty unless you send it in to Springfield to be done is not mentioned. Has anyone here done this yet? No modification is required to mount on the Sig P365 XL.

Tomorrow I will take my calipers and measure the existing post heights. I will post what I measure.

I found a YouTube video that illustrates and discusses it.
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The probable reason there is no cavity in the bottom plate at the rear and only a minimal 0.7mm depth hole in the front is that the unit is water proof, more than just water resistant. I gather it is a pretty tight fit.
Why I went with the Sentinel is no mods needed at all and it’s better than the Romeo. The only thing the Holsun has over the Sentinel Is the 2 dot Moa surrounded by a larger circle. I really like the Sentinel it’s made of metal and it’s very strong . Has a nice tall window so on recoil you can see the dot better to reacquire the target. Best accessory I have bought for it.

the Sentinel is 3 MOA and I have brightness at like 6 out of ten. It’s very bright. I thought at first a larger Moa would be better but in truth I’m really liking the 3 Moa and I’m really getting good with it
Trijicon filed a complaint last week with the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) along with a mirror suit in a California U.S. district court. The company contends that a number of Holosun’s products violate Trijicon’s ‘541 patent, and that Holosun knowingly continued to market and sell these products even after being notified of its violation

Here is the problem . Now in the past China companies do not recognize patent infringements because they are US patents so a international company can pretty much steal it. I’m not a lawyer but this has been going on for decades of China cloning products and reselling them under there company name. Obviously this is a big topic with plenty of ins and outs. in photography the industry i have been in for over 4 decades there are tons of clones out there of like tripods and such. As a US citizen I won’t buy there products at least in the photo industry
In general, I will pay more to avoid buying a Chinese product if there is a USA equivalent. In the case of the 407K/507K, Trijicon does not make a micro red dot so no real equivalent.
I am a retired attorney and the following is not a legal opinion but is a general observation regarding patent law. In patent law you must show with specificity the claim(s) being infringed and how they are being infringed. You can't just claim your patent is being infringed as is made in the document attached in the article above. The alleged infringer then has an opportunity to show why they are not infringing or why the patent is invalid as a defense. The patent referenced was apparently not a Trijicon invention but rather a patent they purchased the rights to be assigned to them.

Trijicon's failure to specify the infringed claims and how those claims apply to the Holosun RMRs is a bit of a glaring omission and leads me to believe that the real purpose is to effect the marketability of the Holosun products rather than to defend their patent. For those of you that are not attorneys, the only verbiage that matters is the specific language in the claims and they are legally very technical and specific language with well understood meanings at law. Patent attorneys try to make the claims as broad as possible and the patent office examiners try and make the claims to be very narrow. (I hold 3 patents and have been through the process several times).

I just thought I should present a more balanced view of the claim by Trijicon which to a lay person might seem like a slam dunk. However, the Chinese are known to steal intellectual property so it may be a valid claim even if not presented in a way that would make it more apparent.

P.S. No country recognizes another countries patents unless also filed within that country:
Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in other countries must apply for a patent in each of the other countries or in regional patent offices.
Well said and it could be some marketing Mumbo Jumbo to slow them down . Reality is Trijicon needs to make red dots with the smaller footprint. Having the Hellcat or P365 our options are slim
I just spoke with Holosun and Springfield on the modification to the Hellcat. Springfield says that as long as the modification doesn't effect the operation of the pistol it does not invalidate the warranty. They did not know what modification was needed for the lugs for the Holosun. Holosun says the rear lugs need to be completely removed (milled or ground off) and the front lugs need to be lowered by ½ mm. In other words, not much reduction on front lugs. Some people are using a Dremel and others a manual flat file. I asked why no lug holes in the rear of the sight and it was as I suspected, due to water proofing requirement.
My plan if I got the 507k was to use a Dremel and just grind it down. Not very hard to do. If it don’t hurt the warranty than that’s awesome.
You might also want to obtain some type of protective coating to place on the ground surfaces to prevent rust. Any suggestions would be great.
Blueing or Cerakote perhaps? I'm not sure as it has been years since I blued a barrel.

By the way are you still involved in the GetDPI Forum and I think you used to also be on the Leica Forum.
I thought I recognized your name. Your photos look great! By the way, I found a blueing pen on Amazon for $10 that should do for this small application.

Front post height is 1mm measure with digital calipers. Thus need to grind down about ½ way.
He will take your Romeo Zero and whatever it is attached to away from you as children are not allowed to play with anything that is dangerous.
He will take your Romeo Zero and whatever it is attached to away from you as children are not allowed to play with anything that is dangerous.
Would you advise him and Bozo O’rourk to bring their Hellcats if they want your Hellcat???????