
Hellcat OSP Optic choices

The Zero is not bad. I'm using it now and I'm getting very good with it. What bugs me though is I see a reflection below the actual red dot which is a reduced brightness reflection and on recoil obviously your gun pops up and I get confused on that reflection sometimes. So I maybe shooting the reflection And not realize it for a round or two. Yea it's kinda weird
Okay pass this around. I contactEd Holosun On the 507k and our Hellcat. Maybe we can post on the forum somewhere. my question was can we use this on our Hellcats.

i got a answer in a 1/2 hour . Impressive

we have to do a little work.

here is the exact answer to this question


Thank you for contacting Holosun

Attached is the K footprint, the hellcat needs the rear recoil lugs removed and front lugs filed down by a gunsmith.

Best regards

Can you add the attachment that shows the footprint?
Lets see if this works. Had to make it a jpeg.


  • Holosun 507.jpg
    Holosun 507.jpg
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For those who haven't purchased the Hellcat yet but want the red dot, I bought mine with the Shield factory installed and saved a bunch. I paid $650 with the Shield installed. I couldn't buy any other sight for the difference it cost over the standard OSP without the red dot.

Good job! Could you tell me where you got it from? Thanks
I finally got around to installing my Romeo Zero on Friday. Went to shoot it Saturday and as figured, needed some adjustments.

Funny thing though...when I did as the Instructions said and turned the Windage counterclockwise (left) to move the Red Dot right, it actually moved left. Has anyone reported having ng this same issue? Took me a few shots/adjistments to realize this and make clockwise (right) turns to take it back right. The sight even has an "R" with an arrow pointing counterclockwise.....interesting.

Now that guy posted the info on the Holosun 507k and footprint....may have to pull the trigger...if I can find one again (gunship had 3 last Saturday and were all sold by Monday).

Damn you all for posting more tempting stuff...I JUST mounted my RZ (all I could get my hands on quickly) and was gearing
Damn you all for posting more tempting stuff...I JUST mounted my RZ (all I could get my hands on quickly) and was gearing up to take it to the range this weekend.
I think you will like the RZ. I notice on post after post they are worried about the RZ being polymer but they in the same post talk about how good it works. Hellsbells, the Hellcat itself has a ton of polymer in it and it's as far as I know not falling apart.
The ADE one is called SPIKE and is expected to Come out in late July with an early August delivery. They will also introduce a new model called STINGRAY that will fit Trijicon RMR slide/screw pattern in Late June/July 2020.
We will first have 4 MOA red dot in July. Green dot with 6MOA in late Fall. It has a sensor, the dot will adjust the brightness itself, battery life is very long.
Another unique feature makes Spike and Stingray stand out is we incorporated “Self-Glow” fiber sight right on the rear of the optic as a helpful addon to work with the already co-witnessed pistol rear sight or without the pistol rear sight.
Shawn, any word of when SPIKE optic will be launched?
That's what I heard most recently. The ADE website was down for 3 or 4 days last week so I was hoping for an update but it's back up today and I didn't see a change.
However, anyone looking to score a micro red dot for their Hellcat and can't find a Romero Zero or wants to stay in the $200 range, I got a handle on a 20% off coupon code for the SwampFox Sentinel.

Use code "Dailyshooter". Also, s&h is per order not per item so double up with a friend and the code works off the whole order. I just successful used it 8.2.

....... the sight went away .....

Thanks, DynoDan

I've had the same thing happen on initial outing with the Hellcat and Shield RMSc. The red dot sort of disappeared and when located, was extremely dim. After a short visual exam, I took an "iron sight only shot" and the red dot reappeared, to the already set location. This happened twice over the course of firing 250 rounds. I both cases, the red dot dropped out, but immediately reappeared when weapon was fired.
What did you find out from Shield?
They suggested a gunsmith. I’m suggesting a damn good file and do it yourself. Lol

im buying it as planned . I have the Romeo zero now
I'm suggesting a different sight. One Hellcat on the market, multiple red dots. If one is adamant about using a specific sight, modify the sight, or use a different gun.
i bought the Sentinel, that needs no mods at all and extremely happy with it. I’ll probably sell my Zero.
Glad to hear you found a sight that works for you without having to modify an otherwise excellently designed gun. My Hellcat is a virtual "tack-driver" and I cringed at the idea of taking a file to one for other than ornamental reasons.
Really the bigger issue as we are getting older or at least some of us is bifocal eye glasses we have a real hard time let’s say with front,back and subject focusing and im a Pro photographer it’s what I do. These red dots are awesome as it paints on the target. Maybe better said it’s a fixed distance. Lasers I do okay with but in the heat of a situation do you really want to give yourself away on your location.
TOTALLY agree! My approaching 70 year old eyes no longer work well with any iron sight. Optics are about the only way I'm able to consider myself to be an acceptable marksman at any level. I got the 4 moa RMSc for just that reason. (now if I can just get down the needed muscle memory to automatically bring the gun to sights quickly, without having to rotate all over the place in a dark room, trying to "find" that dot. as a life-long wheel gun user, the current memory is not "pistol compatible") Currently, I'm even considering an additional laser sight to use in the dark, until I can get that muscle memory to "take", but that is going to require a different holster solution, and, as you say, it reveals your location.
love to see more articles on this as it’s a big part of gun ownership and use. One thing I figured out but still hard to do . Is keeping that red dot in view Is trying to keep gun level between front and back. By nature we tend to point down when putting firearm to our human sights. The red dot is almost always lost on top of gun sites. More training and range time.
love to see more articles on this as it’s a big part of gun ownership and use. One thing I figured out but still hard to do . Is keeping that red dot in view Is trying to keep gun level between front and back. By nature we tend to point down when putting firearm to our human sights. The red dot is almost always lost on top of gun sites. More training and range time.

Have you been to the range yet? How did it work? Let us know, thanks.