
How much spare ammo do you all carry?

WOW! I must be paranoid or something. I carry my XDM 10mm, 15+1, plus 4 15 round mags in my conceal carry coat(winter only) for a total of 76 rounds of ammo. Is it heavy? **** skippy it is, but very comforting to my old bones knowing i have plenty of ammo to get to my long guns. Overkill? Perhaps, but the only one that knows is me.
Nice, is all I can say
I always carry 1 spare mag with a +6 extension on me and another 2 in the car for day to day life now that I do not carry for work. If I have a backpack or some additional off body storage I'll take the 2 from the car with me.
Depends. If I'm carrying an EDC that holds 6 then I always carry a spare mag. If I'm carrying and EDC that holds 15 then I "usually" won't carry a spare.
I guess I am also an odd duck. I am not a Leo/military and in all honesty am never going to be in a sustained firefight. I mean I really can‘t think of a situation were legally I am going to be justifiable going though a couple hi cap mags. cool I get the whole shtf and yes I carry a rifle in the truck and have an extra mag there. But **** the thought of carrying a couple pounds of ammo, gun, knife, multitool, wallet, keys etc sounds horrible. If you want the truth carrying the pistol instead of another mag I would rather have a tourniquet. You are more likely to need that then laying cover fire. If there is a mass casualty event an Ifak will make you more useful then an extra mag. Would also recommend at min a stop the bleed class to learn some basics of how to use an IFAK. USLaw Shield offers a gunshoot wound class and the surgeon that taught ours gave some high speed education on boo boos. Think about it an IFAK can come in handy in multiple situations Car Accidents, slips and falls, industrial accidents.....you know everyday stuff. As for Extra Ammo, I guess Im the meme of the guy sipping coffee at the table convince me otherwise. Hey if you carry extra ammo I am not putting you down, just my situation it doesn’t work for me.
I carry the Hellcat with 13+1 and the 11 rnd mag as an extra. If I need more than 25 rounds, I am really going to be wishing for somebody else to be there.
I always keep a first aid kit in my vehicle, but probably should beef it up for trauma. Same for the one at home. If it came to a knife fight, I suspect I would be too slow and old to be effective, so no particular reason to carry a combat knife, just simple, light weight blade.
As with others. I appreciate your insight.
Do not loose sight that a high percentage of auto malfunctions are caused by the mag. I feel everyone no matter how many rounds your mag carries you should always have a spare mag if your firearm misfeeds or has other run problems.
Much like the others, I have different scenarios. If serving on my church security team, SD 45 OWB holster with 2 double stack mags in the SD hard shell belt loop carrier. That’s 40 rds total with 1 in the pipe

If CCW, Springfield 911, 9mm, IWB and a double open pouch custom made mag carrier on the weak side. On some occasions a single mag in my pocket, all 7 rd mags, so 22 rds total with 1 in the pipe.

On rare occasions I carry a shoulder rig packing a SW model 686 stainless, 3 speed loaders in rig holders. That’s 24 rds.
I’m with the gun-n-mag only crowd. (18 for me) Can and do carry more when I feel it’s appropriate.
Hey gang, I was curious how much spare ammo you all carry (and how). I'm currently carrying two spare mags in my pocket with ammo armor carriers. That gives me an extra 34 rounds of 9mm handy. I've known guys that just carry a J-frame or a something like a 911 with no spare ammo, but I've always had spare rounds. How about you all? And if you do, whats your favorite way to carry it?
I carry a Glock 23 with a spare 13 round mag. 27 rounds all together.
Since I'm recovering from back surgery I've had to resort to a XDs and a 9 round single stack in my off side. Normally my XD service model and one spare on strong side with Xd mod 2 on weak side to balance the load, and one extra 16 round magazine. I'm not a LEO but I've volunteered with the county Sheriff for 25 years and we shoot on their range and have had one lock up on me during a friendly competition. (my fault hadn't cleaned it for way too long, but in 40D+ years of working as a nurse I've learned that Mr Murphy is a constant companion.) You will never shoot as well in a real situation as you did on your worst day at the range. As a famous shootist has once said we each have to work out our own salvation. To those who only carry what's in the gun may you be faced with someone who runs away the moment you draw your gun. Same goes for all of us. But if we happen to be faced with a group of druggies intent on doing you or me bodily harm may we be able to shoot straight and quickly enough to stop whatever happen in our lives.
Two extra mags for a total of 15rds of .45. If it is necessary for more, I dig out my old M9 with two double mag pouches if things get interesting.
This has been an interesting post, currently I don’t carry extra mags
“on my person” I consider myself a very good shot but also understand the adrenaline rush when the SHTF of course when traveling I carry extra mags in the truck and when camping yes extra mags placed in various areas so no matter where I end up I can defend myself.
This is my set up for the hellcat in my center counsel


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I always carry a spare g17 mag for my g19 or g26 depending on which one I am carrying, this gives me 28-33 rounds. I carry appendix in a tier 1 concealed axis elite.
A single stack 1911 in 45ACP with one, sometimes two spare mags. After that we go to truck guns with several 30 rounders;)