
Ignore The Spam Threads


Staff member
Founding Member
Guys if you woke up this morning and seen a bunch of new threads in an unknown language tap the posters avatar and hit the ignore button so they don't show up in the latest threads feed. I used a translator app and the language used is Korean and the message is just a bunch of random words with no meaning.

I'm sure @Louis G. Is working with his team to find a solution to the problem.

Do not click on any links or attachments from these spam threads!
Several got caught by the spam filter before being admitted also.

A number were .ru domain and a few previously blacklisted. I believe Mike and I got them all. If you see any more in the forum please report them.
No, there’s a method to that madness...the same way spam e-mails are always misspelled...it's to make you think they are authentic.

No way some furiner can write proper ‘Merikun, right?

It plays on our superiority complex.

After the 2016 election the Russians got a hell of a lot smarter. For instance we wll know they are responsible for the vast majority of fake news stories ( which is most of them) on FB and other social media platforms. While the country was consumed by the "Russian collusion" distraction, the Russians were learning from what Facebook was doing. They now employ actual US " Journalists" to write stories for their websites.

Misspelled words and improper grammar are very good signs that it's spam. Who doesn't know that? The Russians certainly do. Go look at any " News story" on Facebook that claims they want to lower the age of consentual sex to 4 years old or any of the ridiculous race baiting stories. They are Russian and they all read just like an American wrote them. Because one did.
After the 2016 election the Russians got a hell of a lot smarter. For instance we wll know they are responsible for the vast majority of fake news stories ( which is most of them) on FB and other social media platforms. While the country was consumed by the "Russian collusion" distraction, the Russians were learning from what Facebook was doing. They now employ actual US " Journalists" to write stories for their websites.

Misspelled words and improper grammar are very good signs that it's spam. Who doesn't know that? The Russians certainly do. Go look at any " News story" on Facebook that claims they want to lower the age of consentual sex to 4 years old or any of the ridiculous race baiting stories. They are Russian and they all read just like an American wrote them. Because one did.
Traitors should be lead to the gallows....😡
For those of you who didn't get a chance to see the forum flooded with spam this morning here is a screenshot I took.

No need to worry it's just a screenshot and you cannot click on anything in the attached picture.
