
I’ll be gone for awhile…….

Update, talked it over real good with the wife and brother, we all are in agreement for me to do the Keytruda treatment as a precaution just in case, will call doctor up Monday and get things are the ball, I don’t want to take any chances if anything coming back, the pros outweigh the cons on this treatment. 🤞
Hey Anni, I watched an episode of "Deadliest Catch" a few nights ago and just had to think about you a little. Unfortunately it was brought out that 'Wild Bill' on FV "Summer Bay" had just been diagnosed and was talking to his crew about the future. As he was telling his story, of course all the crew were telling the skipper how sorry they were that he had this terrible thing, and how they were so sorry for what he would have to go through to get rid of it ......... all except his one 'deck boss' who told the skipper how he actually felt more sorry for the cancer than he did the skipper. Surprised, one of the other crew asked this one "what the hell are you talking about feeling more sorry for the cancer than the skipper"? The crewman smiled and said: "this skipper is so damned mean and tough, my guess is the cancer is in for the worst of it."!!!

So Anni, are you as mean and tough as the skipper? My guess is you are man!!! You hang in there friend, from a friend!