
Imagine being dead at work 4 days before anybody noticed

Well I wonder if part of the reason everyone not noticing was because they (or we as a society) are too attached to their phones. When cars have to have an alarm to check back seat for contents because some kids got left in a hot car here or there

And being a corporate company guess she wasn’t late on any pending accounts or they would have found here there.

Used Wells Fargo twice for home loans. First time they were pretty good, second house I bought with them 16 years later not so much!
Poor lady. Makes you wonder what her job was though doesnt it. For the last twenty years I worked I averaged 2-3 calls/day WHEN I WAS ON VACATION (and staff knew I was on vacation!) If somebody is actually doing anything significant their absence should be noticed immediately. Something very strange here.
that was one of my wifes worst fears/nightmares..

that i'd be at a truckstop, in my truck and have died....too many truckers have died in thier trucks, and no one even thinks about it, even if the truck is there for like several weeks.....true fact.

before satellite tracking, a trucker could be "missing" for months, but parked right under everyone's nose.

even now, truckers die out there on the road, and are missing....and no one is suspicious of the parked truck........
that was one of my wifes worst fears/nightmares..

that i'd be at a truckstop, in my truck and have died....too many truckers have died in thier trucks, and no one even thinks about it, even if the truck is there for like several weeks.....true fact.

before satellite tracking, a trucker could be "missing" for months, but parked right under everyone's nose.

even now, truckers die out there on the road, and are missing....and no one is suspicious of the parked truck........
Very true, but a much different environment than that found in an office setting.
Very true, but a much different environment than that found in an office setting.
well, as a younger man, i worked nights office cleaning/custodial. (that's why now retired, i want to do this work again)

there are offices off corridors that are "off limits" to everyone, like security, cleaning crew, building maintenance....even the lower end of the corporate board.

many times due to high security work involved.

there were times that i needed security, (i worked at an insurance company, and had to get into the computer room, do you remember those tall computers with those large reels..??) to not only unlock a door for me, but stay outside and wait till i was done, so the door can be locked up again.

do not forget..Wells-Fargo.......a bank.......high security maybe where she worked.

so there are reasons why no one noticed this poor gal was dead, or even there.

if anything at all, security would have to have checked the time she checked in, and what time she would have checked out, as that is all tracked. a guard should have taken a walk and checked it out.
1. According to the article almost everyone else in her section was working from home.

2. As mentioned above, I've done security for companies that had certain locations on property that were off limits to security.

Also, if a particular work space has been mothballed because the workers are all working remotely, There wouldn't be any reason for the janitorial staff to be in there.
I’ve been dead at work for waaaay longer than that. Many times. 🤪😜😇
I resemble that remark.. :ROFLMAO: