
Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/is-constitutional-carry-a-mistake/.

As a Floridian who enjoys constitutional carry I was happy when law passed! As a believer in our 2nd amendment rights I was insulted that states feel that when they allow us to excersicse our God Givn rights too bear arms for whatever reason! That that we are beholdn too them! I am a retired leo and have seen the worste of the worste. And in many instances Ifn the victim had a weapon would have been a differant tune. I also know we have roo have proper training nun or this gangsta garbage we see! My issue with permits is another govt ovsrsite on my God givn rights! This is not a clear cut issue. I can see both sides as for myself no permit one less time my name is in front of the govt
Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/is-constitutional-carry-a-mistake/.

Only thing that the article doesn't take into consideration is the extreme malice applied from the Blue states who abhorre their citizen serfs having this right and charge Waaaay more than the $50 bucks listed. Case in point is the Peoples Republic of New York with present Tyrant Hochul in charge. After bruen and NYSPA cases ruled on in favor of the public this two bit POS and her Police Commissioner NYS Police (who openly admits he doesn't like citizens having guns) helped write another unconstitutional permit system and upped the fees to $500.00 and hours and hours of classroom and live fire training at the financial expense of the people. It has become cost prohibitive for so many people now trying to obtain a licence. Add the newest rounds of illegal laws this year 10 day waiting period, practically EVERYWHERE considered "sensitive" meaning you can't carry. It's become beyond draconian. Otherwise a good article with good thought involved.
At a public range where I shoot and volunteer as RSO, the level of competency is appalling. Arizona is a Constitutional Carry state, but the author's thoughts are my own. Get good training, know your local laws inside and out, and know what to do when the police arrive. Also keep the business card of a local attorney specializing in self defense law in your wallet.
As a retired police officer and range officer I qualify every year to maintain my LEOSA status. That is 50 state carry. I have gone to CCW classes years ago and found some of the most dangerous idiots I have ever seen playing with guns. A CCW class can't solve stupid.
Key terms:

"Militia" in the 18th century was taken to be its Latin meaning, that being "the body of citizens who are eligible and fit for military service."

"Regulated" meant trained and competent, a conjugate of "Regular" defining the type of force employed.

So, a "well regulated Militia" meant a body of citizens who were experienced and trained in bearing arms who could be called up in a crisis to serve as a regular military force.

Thus, as the common defense was provided for through the temporary paid conscription of fit and ready citizens, their right to bear arms in peacetime was necessary to guarantee a military force which could be brought into service with minimum spin up.

Madison, Hamilton, and Jefferson also recognized the benefit of having an armed citizenry to deter tyrannical governments from using any military force against its own citizens, which throughout antiquity was generally more common than using them for war against rival nation-states.
I figured as much. So there's “Constitutional Carry”, and almost Constitutional Carry.
Kinda sorta. The nomenclature my either be unknown or unimportant to most, but there are 2 terms used widely. True 'Constitutional Carry', which is open OR concealed carry without restrictions; and then there's 'Permitless Carry' - where you can carry without a permit - but are limited to concealed only, or open only.
This is precisely the logic I used when re-applying for my cc permit. Constitutional Carry is great in my state, but when I need to travel across state lines, it doesn't mean much in other states. With my cc permit, I KNOW which states have reciprocity and it makes things so much easier. Thanks for the article!
That's our same dynamic in Alabama. We travel in the southeast and that CC permit and associated reciprocity provides some level of peace of mind for both my wife and I in the event things go south and get hairy.
We are going to agree to disagree, especially when u use the term “one of the good guys” . Like the rest of us are not good and only the thin blue line is. As to training I worked at a range for 15 years and it was always easy to see when it was time to qualify at the local PD. We would have a solid stream of officers in practicing and I have witnessed them totally miss a B50 target at five, yes 5 yards. So much for the training part carrying a firearm is part of the job their life and maybe mine or a member of my family depends upon an officer being able to hit the bad guy if a firearm is needed. I personally put the required rounds on target with my eyes closed. My life depends entirely upon my ability as the local Sheriff is sometimes 15-30 minutes away and seconds count.

And that my fringe is why “ Constitutional Cary” is correct and should be the law of the land. Oh yea it already is it’s called the Second Amendment. Yes I have a permit to carry and is because of the reciprocity, but I shouldn’t have to pay for that right I don’t have to pay a tax to the state to use my 1st Amendment rights nor any of my other Constitutional Rights.

I guess that is too much time on my soapbox, be safe out there my friends the bad guys always carry and the lawlessness doesn’t matter to them.
Mixed feelings on this as I had with the conceal carry permits being allowed during my LE days. However, always a stat man in relationship to laws, I found the numbers with the crimes stopped and so few revoked supportive of the allowance. That said, Constitutional Carry removes the important step of "knowing" the law before strapping on a gun and sashaying in Public. But with the current Liberal Hivemind of the criminal catch and release, except in self-defense cases, the environment enwhich we find ourselves getting dicey. Hell, even Brandon's Secret Service Agents are getting robbed at gunpoint... So, every time a psychotropic drugged idiot shows their mental state, they will come after all our rights with the same lame arguments. Come to think of it, they will anyway... So, "Shall not be infringed" wins.
Exercising our constitutional rights come with responsibility, especially since they all exist to protect freedoms from government encroachment. Every one of them.

Social media and media monopoly conglomerates amplify irresponsible exercise of the First Amendment, and as a result, there are forces in both left and right who want to restrict free speech as a result. Similarly, there are people who irresponsibly bear arms. These are the people who don't bother to first understand the power of the tool they carry, who don't bother learning how to properly bear it, and are ignorant of the laws that absolutely must be observed in relation to their use while bearing them. Constitutional Carry is indeed a concept that enables and can amplify irresponsible exercise of a constitutionally protected right - if we as a society don't self-regulate in this respect, we can be sure we will lose the right entirely.

In past times, we all pretty much lived where we grew up. Our neighbors and extended family saw us grow up, got to know us in public and in private, and when certain behavior raised eyebrows, someone said something to the family - or to the youth directly. When certain tendencies were exposed, the family was aware and took responsibility for their loved one - restricting their access to firearms where necessary. It wasn't a 100% perfect system, but it prevented in most cases a lot of heartache. We have lost that today. No one knows their neighbors, and to make an effort to do so is often deemed as intrusive, nosy, or viewed with suspicion. It's hard to see how "ideal" Constitutional Carry can work in today's society.

Lots of great discussion here. If I may, I'll add a couple of my profound glimpses into the obvious. ;)

In a perfect world (or if our country was perfect) there would be absolutely no "infringement" on law-abiding citizens carrying whatever non-military firearm we see fit. Call it Constitutional Carry with total reciprocity across all 50 states, open or concealed.

In a perfect world all responsible gun owners would get proper training and education, just because it's the responsible thing to do.

In a perfect world the felonious violent criminals would not be able to obtain firearms.

In a perfect world there would be no government registry of personal firearm ownership. Responsible owners would keep their own inventory records.

I could go on. But we do not live in a perfect world.

So, I will take "Constitutional Carry" or "Permit-less Carry" either concealed or not. In my state it is legal to open carry without a permit but I've yet to see it in the 2 years I've lived here.

I will take applying for a concealed carry permit because it also allows me to carry in reciprocal states. When I moved here and drove across country I enjoyed reciprocity in all but one state that I had traversed.

I will take the "training" requirements for a CCW permit just because I have to in order to carry. Being a responsible gun owner, I would've sought training anyway. In fact, I continue to train and practice regularly.

Responsibility is the key. All citizens have rights and privileges. It is up to the individual to exercise these rights and privileges responsibly. There are too many forces in the world, in this country, that want to take our freedoms away and make us bow to the will of the state. There are too many people willing to give up their freedoms for the illusion of safety, or for a handout, or for false promises of a utopian society. They've become complacent and blind, accepting the propaganda in the main stream media and from crooked/lazy politicians.

It's up to us to seek and speak truth, the whole truth, no matter how unpopular it may be. Tell a friend.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Constitutional Carry is indeed a concept that enables and can amplify irresponsible exercise of a constitutionally protected right - if we as a society don't self-regulate in this respect, we can be sure we will lose the right entirely.
Yet again another excuse for an arbitrary standard. I always wonder why people can't see that those who would control us will always find a reason to do so no matter what we do or self-regulate. I know, I know, I know we don't need to give them an excuse, THEY DON'T NEED AN EXCUSE! I also always wonder if they ever give thought that they may not meet someone else's Standard. Then what?