
Isreali-Hamas War

and now the US support is wavering unless irsael can get rid of hamas faster and with less civilian casualties, i paraphrased

bassbob, you hit the nail head on.
guts tell me, powers that be want a weird ww3 or our gov will capitulate
frankly i am surprised we have not had a direct event our soil that shakes us like 9 11 ,
in the last year , more so in last few months

How do you "implement a plan to protect Palestinian civilians" when Hamas deliberately uses those same civilians as human shields?

The people who think this should, or can, be some sort of "clean conflict" in which it is two armies facing off against each other on a battlefield, with minimal collateral damage, are utterly clueless. And pushing for that naive fantasy feeds right into Hamas' desired narrative.
How do you "implement a plan to protect Palestinian civilians" when Hamas deliberately uses those same civilians as human shields?

The people who think this should, or can, be some sort of "clean conflict" in which it is two armies facing off against each other on a battlefield, with minimal collateral damage, are utterly clueless. And pushing for that naive fantasy feeds right into Hamas' desired narrative.
BINGO thats the whole issue
the uneducated people today that scream the loudest to appease.
How do you "implement a plan to protect Palestinian civilians" when Hamas deliberately uses those same civilians as human shields?

The people who think this should, or can, be some sort of "clean conflict" in which it is two armies facing off against each other on a battlefield, with minimal collateral damage, are utterly clueless. And pushing for that naive fantasy feeds right into Hamas' desired narrative.
The same Hamas that 3/4 of those Palestinian civilians support and defend.
Fun fact. In polling conducted AFTER the October 7 2023 TERROR attack by Hamas, 75% of the residents of Gaza and The West bank support Hamas. Fatah is in control of the west bank and they suspended elections because they were reasonably sure in an election Hamas would win and would then control the west bank as well.
Funny how the left claims the (R) party has been taken over by MAGA extremists when polling shows they are clearly a minority of the party, yet they want you to believe that Hamas does NOT represent Gazans or Palestinians in general.

I heard some audio the other day of a protest outside Rosalyn Carter's funeral where people were being interviewed and many, many of them were blathering on about how Hamas is not a terrorist organization and were completely justified in the rape and butchery of Israeli men, women and children on October 7.

This country is on the brink of something. What, it's hard to say, but I'm certain there's really no going back. It's gone way beyond people simply having friendly disagreements about politics. I do think the idiots ( on both sides) that we see on the TV and read about it the news every day are a minority, but you wouldn't know it by media accounts. And that perception has a dramatic and intentional effect on the population. They are intentionally divisive while accusing their political enemies of being divisive. Bad things are coming man.
" General David H. Petraeus, US Army (Ret.)General David H. Petraeus, US Army (Ret.)

28 November 2023: Key takeaways from this evening's update on Israel, Gaza, Hamas, and the greater Middle East from the great ISW/AEI CTP team:
- Israel and Hamas both reported at least one violation of the temporary truce agreement in the Gaza Strip, but neither side escalated the situation to more general fighting across the strip.
- Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Israel completed the fifth swap of hostages in the Gaza Strip for Israeli-held Palestinian prisoners in accordance with their humanitarian pause agreement.
- Hamas’ governance capacity appears to be breaking down in the Gaza Strip, even in the southern part, which will complicate Israeli clearing operations.
- The Wall Street Journal reported that Egypt and Qatar are trying to negotiate a “long-term ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip.
- Hamas fighters clashed with Israeli forces in Tubas and helped a Hamas member to evade Israeli arrest. Clashes continued between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters in at least three other locations in the West Bank.
- LH and other Iranian-backed militias did not conduct any attacks into northern Israel.
- Iranian-backed Iraqi militia Ashab al Kahf implicitly threatened to conduct further drone and rocket attacks targeting US forces in the Middle East in the coming months."
When you pick up your girlfriend in Israel, will you take her to a Humus burger or the best place in town ❓

Israel GF.jpg
I want to warn that there is some disturbing info in this post but I thought that it should be known to my fellow forum members. Most of us have seen humanity at it's lowest. This is just another example. Moderators, my post isn't about politics or religion, it is to recognize the evil that may be coming to us and our families.

I want to warn that there is some disturbing info in this post but I thought that it should be known to my fellow forum members. Most of us have seen humanity at it's lowest. This is just another example. Moderators, my post isn't about politics or religion, it is to recognize the evil that may be coming to us and our families.

One answer …..

A parallel is the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War where the attacker has committed similar atrocities.

One example...

A parallel is the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War where the attacker has committed similar atrocities.

One example...

Yeah, I’d like to nuke Russia. For that matter N Korea and China.
I’m and equal opportunity get rid of the enemy person. 💩happens.

as long as i can remember from being in the arabian gulf region , is that QATAR plays both sides of the fence
it boils my blood how the leaders of hamas are sitting in qatar protected and qatar acts like some kind of negotiator
we as in the US and a few other more civilized countries should be max pressure on qatar to give up these leaders and physically isolate qatar from the world, financially, air, sea and land and stop all their oil exports.

take the hamas leadership to Israel and let them work out what needs to be done.
or we untie the hands of our great operators and take the hamas leaders by force to 30k feet and negotiate
no more wet sponges to a gun fight
I've spent six years total in SW Asia in war and (relative) peace. What you say about Qatar is true. They are nominally in the Gulf Cooperation Council, yet frequently act as agents for the Iranians. They stick it to several policy decisions by the GCC and has on several occasions been isolated by the council and more than once Saudi Arabia has severed relations. The most frustrating thing is the US maintains CENTCOM forward HQ there and we station B-1Bs there (at least the last time I flew in and out). Does anyone in DoD have any sense of the threat at all?