
Isreali-Hamas War

Who said anything about nuking anybody? But make no mistake, when Iran has nukes and believe they can get away with it, will use them. The ayatollahs are like that
" Yeah, I’d like to nuke Russia. For that matter N Korea and China.
I’m and equal opportunity get rid of the enemy person. 💩happens."
I see the same ole playbook of dusting off "Gulf of Tonkin" lies and use against Persia to fully believe only what they tell us to believe, trust us we never lie.

Why is the US in Syria taking the free oil?
WE have all been lied to for a very long time.

I too have lived through "Duck and Cover" as part of my childhood and B-52's flying 24/7.
"Kill a Commie for Mommie and the only good commie is a dead commie".

Maybe the world has changed and time to finally rid the world of the real enemies of all the people, "Deep State Cabal" who wants endless wars as we the people die and they get $$$$$$$$.

WE will never every be able to go back like things were no matter how much you may wish. Choose wisely
" Yeah, I’d like to nuke Russia. For that matter N Korea and China.
I’m and equal opportunity get rid of the enemy person. 💩happens."
I see the same ole playbook of dusting off "Gulf of Tonkin" lies and use against Persia to fully believe only what they tell us to believe, trust us we never lie.

Why is the US in Syria taking the free oil?
WE have all been lied to for a very long time.
I too have lived through "Duck and Cover" as part of my childhood and B-52's flying 24/7.
"Kill a Commie for Mommie and the only good commie is a dead commie".

Maybe the world has changed and time to finally rid the world of the real enemies of all the people, "Deep State Cabal" who wants endless wars as we the people die and they get $$$$$$$$.

WE will never every be able to go back like things were no matter how much you may wish. Choose wisely
It's half of the same thing. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the population, that is the people, who live in actual communist countries aren't actually communist. Or at least don't want to be. The only people that want to be are the ones in power and a lot of the very stupid, mostly white people in this country and some western "Socialist democracies".
" Yeah, I’d like to nuke Russia. For that matter N Korea and China.
I’m and equal opportunity get rid of the enemy person. 💩happens."
I see the same ole playbook of dusting off "Gulf of Tonkin" lies and use against Persia to fully believe only what they tell us to believe, trust us we never lie.

Why is the US in Syria taking the free oil?
WE have all been lied to for a very long time.
I too have lived through "Duck and Cover" as part of my childhood and B-52's flying 24/7.
"Kill a Commie for Mommie and the only good commie is a dead commie".

Maybe the world has changed and time to finally rid the world of the real enemies of all the people, "Deep State Cabal" who wants endless wars as we the people die and they get $$$$$$$$.

WE will never every be able to go back like things were no matter how much you may wish. Choose wisely
For the record…
I dont trust Muslims
Never have Never will
My sons high school is now 75+ % indian and muslim

Thank you democrat
Years ago I never would have thought that possible in Texas. My guess is you are too close to a major city. I'm pretty close to a major city as well, but the population of Missouri is much smaller and we have way fewer major cities. The Muslims here ( Mostly Bosnians who for the most part assimilate very quickly to American life) are concentrated close to St. Louis. Out where I live there are no Muslims in the high school or anywhere else. Now 20 miles north there are some, but the further out you get the louder the banjos ring.

No world outrage over Russia bombing civilians or infrastructure … hmm… only applies to Israel
With the wide open border bad things and the atrocities seen in other parts of the world are gonna happen here.....

Not here. Our border is secure and the FBI is on top of things. Nothing to worry about.
curly,moe and larry.jpg
There is a Muslim Reform Movement but, as in all Faiths the radicals and useful idiots cause the carnage.

With an Israeli drone strike inside Lebanon yesterday killing the founder of Hamas' military wing, and what appear to be two timed explosions in Iran, at a service honoring Qassem Soleimani, and a death toll exceeding 100 already, I'll be amazed if this whole thing doesn't get ratcheted up several notches in the next 48 hrs.
I will preface this post with I am not Jewish, no family members are, don't personally know any Jewish people but I have purchased arms and ammo related products from Israel for years. I like their stuff, it all seems top notch and works for me. Having said all that I do have some online relationships with Israeli people and do support Israel for a few different reasons of my own. This is part of a newsletter I received this morning:

Shalom from Israel! Along with the rest of the world, many in my country celebrated the beginning of a new year. However, instead of the sound of champagne corks and the singing of Auld Lang Syne, we rang in the turn of the calendar to the tune of air attack sirens and the deafening sounds of our low-flying fighter jets. Lest that sound pessimistic, let me tell you that I in no way feel negative about the future of Israel. We are sorrowful, wounded, and heartbroken. But we are not defeated. In fact, it is just the opposite. The Israeli people are filled with a scowling, jaw-clenched determination that should have those who are set on harming us running deeper into their tunnels. The year 2024 will see Israel at peace and without any more fear of what is just on the other side of its borders.

To get there, though, it is going to take another six-to-nine months. That is what the US administration and the United Nations need to understand. Well, maybe not the UN – they’re hopeless. But the pressure and the restrictions that my government is dealing with from Washington is threatening to hobble the effort. How do people not understand that this is not just an anti-terror action? This is an all-out war against a real enemy. When the Americans and the British bombed Dresden, Germany, in February 1945, there were no restrictions demanding that the 3,900 tons of explosives be precision directed only at military targets. There was no requirement that humanitarian aid be immediately provided as part of the assault. Instead, it was determined that the reward of shortening the war was worth the cost of the devastation. It was the same thinking used to end the War in the Pacific.

But the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are not indiscriminately bombing. In fact, they are doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties. The war in Gaza could have been completed before the end of October with far fewer Israelis hurt and killed if the IDF didn’t care about civilians. Instead, the military gave up the advantage of surprise in order to warn Gazans to flee areas that would soon be targeted. Also, they limited the size and strength of the ordnance used if civilian targets would be put at great risk.

What does Israel get for their care in the prosecution of the war? The Gazan perpetrators are made victims by the press, and the US administration warns our prime minister that he better stop the “indiscriminate bombings”.
Here's somewhat of an answer to the question I asked above about Saudi involvement:

Retired Saudi Admiral On Why Arabs Won’t Join Red Sea Task Force

They all have seen from the past history to the present exactly how the US/EU have used their power to colonize and dominate the world to their wants for them and everyone else is minimum second class people. There is much resentment and they do not want to be a part of the US/EU colonizers. For those who have traveled see and hear first hand, why they think the way they do.
For them now is the first time in recent history, they see a possibility of possible change.

We all will see how things develop❓
It's not lost on me that Armageddon is about 80 miles north of Jerusalem.
Megiddo is a huge flat plain.
If that what is written comes to be, that area is a perfect place to amass a huge Army.

I do not know what the future will be, but if what we see in the heavy redacted book of only 66 books that we have, this will be one horrific battle. What is strange in that book, is the US in not spoken of.
I don't know about you but I hope this is not accurate for the world's sake.