
Lawyer dies after his hidden gun goes off during MRI scan

I worked as a healthcare Safety Engineer for more than 45 years. Anyone carrying ANYTHING steel or other ferous metal into an MRI is not going to have a good outcome. That’s why they are supposed to require ALL metal to be off of you before going into an MRI area (and that’s why the Fire extinguisher for those areas is WHITE and made of non ferous material! ). There have been cases where a prisoner was subjected to an MRI and the guarding officer got into the zone 3 area only to have his weapon ripped from his holster to fly across the room and stick to the MRI unit. In the two case I was aware of if anyone had been between the officer and the MRI the gun would likely have killed them as it struck and drove through their body. Weapon discharging is the least of the issues to worry about! Ditto for conventional fire extinguishers. There are SERIOUS magnets ( and you don’t just “turn it off”🙄