DoorDash or UberEats at the wrong address. Yes, a lot of people order food at that time of night and especially on the weekends. A few restaurants and convenience stores stay open to to 3am or 24 hours a day. I'd say as the home owner, be vigilant and prepared for the worse case scenario, but don't start shooting through the door, threatening to shoot someone with a gun, etc. because it could be an innocent mistake or someone needing help.
I recall seeing stories over the years of someone getting into a car accident or being robbed and shot. They were knocking on doors in the middle of the night trying to get help.
There has also been literally been A LOT of documented cases of law enforcement doing no knock warrants at the wrong house in the middle of the night as well, so that's another thing to take into consideration. I've also seen one video of a group of thugs kicking in the door while yelling "Police!"
I've seen videos like the one below several times. It's a common tactic many home Invaders are starting to use. At that point, your dead if you shoot and it's really police, and you risk a family member being raped, assault, or killed if you don't. There have been home owners who shot and killed police, they themselves were shot and survived, but they were charged with murder even they were woken up from a deep sleep, didn't know it was the police, and the officers had the wrong home.